I had the fortune to attend for a second time a "Zhostovo" workshop ....
These are my 2 finished projects:
a metal plate
and a salt blue box....
with the Master Painter Mikhail Lebedev, AKA as Misha.
Misha comes strait from Zhostovo, Russia and teaches his workshops in various cities once a year in the spring time in the USA ...I consider myself very lucky to live near San Jose, California and be able to attend his beautiful workshops!
a bit of History:
"Zhostovo" is a 19th old century folk handicraft of painting on lacquered metal trays from Russia.
Its most used motif is a bunch of mixed flowers, the trays usually have golden edges and finished with 3 layers of light lacquer.
This art form represents a whole unit in itself in the Russian folk art and it is know as "Zhostovo Factory of Decorative Painting"
It is still painted in a factory in the village of "Zhostovo" near Moscow by master painters, such as Misha.
These are some of Misha's works ...
sample boards
wooden boxes...
in browns
and a collage/details of his beautiful flowers...
2017 workshop
This year we had the huge task to make 2 amazing projects...
a salt blue box (here it is my finished box)
and a plate...
(my metal plate)
here is Misha working in the salt blue box
his setting: a large bucket of water, a palette, some brushes, paints (DecoArt), paper towel and that's it!!!
even if he has several brushes he only used throughout the whole project these 3 brushes!!!!
here are some shots of the participants...
I will share with you some of the very basic steps
of the salt blue box project that we did in class
at home, in order to accommodate the 2 projects into the length of the workshop
we had to do some prep work before going into class...
Salt Blue Box
step 1;We used throughout the whole workshop acrylic paints from DecoArt, Americana line...
basecoating the salt box
placing the pattern onto the salt box...
base coating all the flowers
this is the lid of the box...
step 2;
in this 2nd stage, now in class, we added some shadows to the flowers and leaves (lid)
step 3;
some more shadows (lid)
step 4;
now onto the highlights (lid)
step 5;
at this point we added final touches, highlights and filler stems and leaves (lid)
here it is my setting and working on my box
view of the back and front of my salt box
This is my finished blue box...
side view
view from the top
The second project done in this workshop was a wood octagon plate...
For this project I decided to provide my own surface, a metal plate, that I bought at a garage sale for $1.00 !!!
I, first spray it with a metal spray grey primer...
step 1;
after tracing the pattern, I basecoat at home as the blue box before class, all the flowers
another view of my prep work before going into class...
here it is the finished center bunch of flowers of my metal plate
finished plate
next workshop???
We have the fortune to see what he is going to teach next year in 2018...
a beautiful trunk!
details of the different panels...
here it is the lid of the trunk for the 2018 project!
gorgeous right?
BTW; if you would like to order patterns with all the instructions/
or buy a DVD with step by step of a floral arrangement from Misha's work...
and or order some wood surfaces (such as the salt box)
contact Susie Lockwood,
who is in charge to distribute Misha's patterns here in the USA at
or buy a DVD with step by step of a floral arrangement from Misha's work...
and or order some wood surfaces (such as the salt box)
contact Susie Lockwood,
who is in charge to distribute Misha's patterns here in the USA at
Thanks for the company
in this long post
but worth while in order to
have a glimpse of what goes behind the creation of one of
this Zhostovo masterpieces created by Misha.
A wonderful and old style of painting
from the region of Zhostovo in Russia
that can not be forgotten...

Superbes créations, du très beau travail, bravo. Bises.
ReplyDeleteI loved your long post outlining your step by step work. Your projects are so beautiful and how lucky you are to have been in the class with Misha.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! I love the pieces you did! They are so amazing. I wish I could get a class from Misha.
ReplyDeleteC'est splendide ! J'aime beaucoup ce style de peinture ! C'est original ! Tes réalisations sont superbes ! Bravo ! Bises
ReplyDeleteWoww Bibiana que hermosos trabajos me encantaron que lindo don tienes!!! Saludos.
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was a great class and you did such a lovely job on both of your creations!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful projects - you are one talented lady
ReplyDeleteTrès belle technique et tu as réalisé de superbes décorations. Tu as bien de la chance de pouvoir apprendre avec cet artiste. Si j'ai bien compris, il faut partir d'un modèle et le peindre ensuite sur divers supports ? Bravo encore et grosses bises.
ReplyDeleteIncredible. Now that is a class I would love to take. Your pieces are beautiful.