Have you already put your shoe outside your bedroom door to get a gift tonight from St Nick?
Well, he is coming tonight!!!
Do you know that on December 6th
Saint Nicholas day is being celebrated?
[He was a real person, by the way, (a Christian Saint who had the reputation for secret gift-giving such as putting coins in the shoes)]
and the tradition wants that children put their shoes outside their bedrooms or by their beds, on the night of Dec 5th, and on the next morning on the 6th they will find their shoes filled with gifts and sweets...\
Our American Santa Claus derives from this European legend, and the shoe became stockings/socks, they are placed on fireplaces instead at the entrance of the bedrooms and he comes on the night of the 24, instead of on the 6th...
And the American Santa Claus is more "chubby" than the European images of St Nick that we can find in Europe.
My Tag uses one of the the most Known images of Santa Claus, and the soft drink "Coca Cola" helped spread even more this image through advertising!
In Europe this tradition on the 6th is very much alive, I remember while I was living in France, to celebrate this holiday by going to my favorite pastry shops and getting breads and chocolates with his shape!
Nowadays, here in the USA, I still celebrate this day....
at one of the catholic schools that I teach, all the children set their shoes at the entrance of the classroom door in the hallway and of course St Nick come during class time :) and fill their shoes..
I did not have any "shoes" to embellish my tag but I had these cowbow booties!
I enjoy so much this tradition that I do it too right here at home...
Tonight, I will place a small token on my husband's shoes, and tomorrow morning he will find his "surprise".
Even after all these years being married I still surprised him every year, as he did not grew up with this tradition and he forgets year after year :) ..let's see if this year he will remember :)
I bet he will not!
Hoping that he will not read this post he he he !
I wanted to thank the people who have agreed already to send a small card to Anthony, (who is very ill) the son of Claudine from "Les Créas de Claudine".
I mentioned this on my last post, and if you want to read my request, and the story behind read THIS POST!
Thank you very much for your visit
Wishing you a merry spirit for these days,
maybe surprise somebody at home tonight
celebrating St Nick's visit,
maybe place some coins or a small bill!
I'll bet the person getting it will be very happy!
this day does not need to be only for children!!!
Focus on your present, let go useless "holiday" anxieties
and for the faithful take a moment to remember
why we are celebrating Christmas!...
Lots of hugs,

Hola !!! Muy hermoso tag has creado, no tenia idea de esa celebración !! un abrazo desde C.R
ReplyDeleteOh my, I have also forgotten about this tradition. With a smaller family now and being spread out distance wise I guess things just slip by me. How cheerful to be reminded, thank you.
ReplyDeleteme gusta muchissimo,
Gorgeous vintage look the little details are amazing.....Lis
ReplyDeleteBeautifull! I don't know this tradition ! It' s very nice day for the children !
ReplyDeletej'ai fete st Nicolas petite je suis nee dans l'est de la France, j'ai meme un photo d'ecole avec le pere fouetard aussi, en tout cas ta carte est tres jolie
ReplyDeletej'espere que tes amies enverrons une petite carte à Anthony... bisous
Superbe tag, très joli fond. Bises.
ReplyDeletetrès beau tag! bises
ReplyDeleteBrilliant and as always fantastic history x
ReplyDeleteHello, Bibliana! A beautiful card - such fabulous details! It was fun reading about this tradition - I have not heard it before. I think I will put a shoe outside my bedroom tonight and see what happens! Hope things are going okay with you.
ReplyDeleteHi Bibiana, I love the vintage feel to your design, beautiful!! :)
ReplyDeleteHello Bibiana ! Ton tag est super beau ! En France, la tradition se perd aussi, moi je n'ai jamais fêté St Nicolas mais je sais que cela se fait dans certaines régions ! J'en ai entendu parler ! En tous cas, c'est une belle surprise pour ton mari, chaque année ! Bises
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tag, love your charms, love how you used the stickles! I had heard of this tradition but not that it was on the night of the 5th that it was done, I love how you do it for the kids and your hubby still :)
ReplyDeleteHi hun, yes it´s still a very fun tradition in many countries here, even most have chosen not to anymore too, and only celebrate the 24th in the evening, as that is how we celebrate christmas over here with the christmasdinner and then dancing around the tree and the gifts at last. But it´s fun to hear, how this traditon has gone all the way to California too.
ReplyDeleteHope you´re just fine hun and having a great time here before christmas. Take good care.
Once again, your tag is absolutely amazing, bravo Bibiana!! xx
ReplyDeleteA really gorgeous tag Bibiana , love all the little details and thank you for the history, I hadn't heard of it, Carole X
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun tradition, hopefully you had treats and not a potato. Your tag is fantastic! You deserve many treats for your wonderful gifts you share with us every day!
Antonella :-)
Do you have a little money for the Santa Nicholas Celebrate? I wish for you!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous tag. I've lost touch with all these fun traditions. It's great reading about them here. Hope you had something good in your shoe. Hugz