Thursday, December 12, 2013

Feast of Our lady of Guadalupe!

Hello Dear Stamper Friends:
Today December 12th is celebrated throughout  the catholic world and specially in Mexico, the day of Our Lady of Guadalupe "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe"...title given to the Virgin Mary.
And I decided to make this card in her honor using this stamp from  Lost Coast Designs  as part of my contributions as a DTM

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The stamp is the reproduction of the original image of the virgin that is housed in the mayor Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, city and she is the patroness of Latin America!

The snowflakes were heat emboss using silver glitter over silver mirror paper using the sticky powder, and the gold rays were embossed with gold embossing powder. The main image and the roses were hand cut..

The official catholic account says that she appeared back in 1531 to an Indian named Juan Diego and she told him to build a church in that site (where nowadays stands the basilica)
When Juan Diego open his cloak to the Bishop full of roses that he had gather from the site where he 1st saw the virgin, all the roses fell in the floor and on the fabric was THIS image of her...
It is said that the cloak/ "Tilma" that Juan Diego wore is the same one hanging in the Basilica nowadays in Mexico city...which is protected by bulletproof glass and low oxygen atmosphere...(photo below)

photo from the basilica/Wikipedia

When I was living in Mexico I had the opportunity to visit her many times in this basilica...
It is immense and very impressive specially today where millions and millions of people from all over the country and even Latin America come to gather there to celebrate her feast (Mexico city has 20 million inhabitants, making it the largest city in the Spanish speaking and western hemisphere!)

 ...actors, singers, and many people gather on this day to sing "Happy Birthday" ("Las Mañanitas")  to the virgin..
even if you are not a believer this is quite an impressive demonstration of faith...and a very moving one...and if you are a believer this day is even more special for the significance that it holds!

Ok my dear friends, hope all your Christmas preparations are going smoothly...
Remember WHY we are celebrating this season and take time every day to be with yourselves in peace and surrounded by your loved ones...
Hugs and kisses 

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stamps from Lost Coast Designs: virgin of guadaluperoses; small snowflake set ;

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  1. Beautiful card and so meaningful...and yes I am a Believer...who could not be with all the Blessings we have been given. MERRY CHRISTMAS BIBIANA !

  2. Beautiful Bibiana. Got your gift today its gorgeous xx

  3. Hi Bibiana,

    Lovely card whether you are religious or not and a beautiful story that goes with it.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Gorgeous post Bibiana, Love the story & I adore the stamp of our Lady....Simply Beautiful.... Hugs May x x x

  5. STUNNING card! LOVE the snowflakes and the roses with that image! Merry Christmas!

  6. Absolutely stunning creation that image and flowers look fantastic, this is what the Christmas season is all about.
    lorraine x

  7. C'est une très belle carte Bibiana ! Bises

  8. sincères félicitations pour cette superbe carte, effectivement n'oublions pas pour quelle raison nous fêtons NOËL, et la foi aide tellement dans les moments difficiles, bisesss à toi TIFFANY

  9. I am learning so much from your blog, dear friend. We saw the parade of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Calistoga last weekend, but we didn't really understand it. A beautiful card and a lovely tribute. Thanks again, so much!

  10. Stunning advent bibiana. Hope you are well x


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana