Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Winners, Winners TBT Challenge #2

Thank you for all the wonderful friends who join me 
in my 2nd challenge!!!

Here are ...
The WINNERS and the PRIZES!!!!

for  "Throwback Thursday TBT"
Challenge  #2 IS...

# 5 KT Fit Kitty

you have won
 the "Delicate Web" DIE  from "Memory Box" 
along with the "TBT Winner Badge" 
just in time to make all those Halloween cards! 

Please make sure to visit Kitty at her blog: "KT fit Kitty"
she will be celebrating this coming Saturday, Oct 25th
 her 50th birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Kitty!

And here are the top 3...
who will receive the "TBT I made the TOP 3" badge ...
1- #4 "Papelicos ou le blog de Micha"

her wonderful and so beautiful card caught my attention, 
because of the window on the middle that she did!
isn't that pretty? 
Thanks for the inspiration Micha, 
I will be doing something like this!

2- # 7 El Mundo de Chatys


Rosalba, our Venezuelan friend is celebrating as well 
her birthday this month!
visit her at her blog and give her some love!

3- # 8 Jennifer Exilie AKA "Babygirl 97240"

Jennifer posted her beautiful card from her Flickr account!
this is for all the people who do not have blogs, 
you can participate as well
from your flickr 
or your Splitcoaststamper galleries!

and I would like to give 
the "TBT Honorable Mention" badge to 
Antonella with
Quilling Art and Expression 


On mondays she posts the most wonderful quotes for all of us to be inspired and on Fridays she posts Freebies!
on top of these wonderful artsy ideas, 
she makes wonderful Quilling cards with tutorials, 
please pay a visit to her blog!! 
love all the quotes that she posts!

Absolutely great nostalgic posts!

Please e-mail me at the address on the side bar to claim your prize and "Throwback Thursday TBT badges"!

to all of you!
 for participating, visiting and commenting!

We have a date for tomorrow, 
Thursday Oct. 23 
to discover another nostalgic post!
with challenge # 3

I will have joining me great SPONSORS!!!

Hope to see many more friends joining us 
and the winner will be announced 
the Wednesday before the new challenge starts...

Check the Rules and Info Page
to be eligible for the prizes!


  1. Bravo aux gagnantes et merci à Bibiana ! Je suis étonnée de me trouver là et te remercie pour ta sympathique présentation. De belles participations, un choix difficile mais quel plaisir de participer à ce challenge. Bises à toutes et encore merci !

  2. Yay! I am so excited to see my card up there as your winner! Thank you, Bibliana! You made my day! I will send you an email! Big congratulations to the Top 3 picks - such beautiful cards, ladies!

  3. Bravo aux gagnantes! Quelle bonne idée que ce Throwback Thursday!

  4. Congrats to all the winners!! I hope to join you on the next one!! :) Thanks for sharing! HUGS

  5. Bravo aux gagnantes et merci à toi. Bises.

  6. these creations are beautiful, huge congrats to all :) your challenge is totally fun and I will be sure to play along again :) sending you smiles :) !!!!

  7. Big congrats to all the winners here. You´ve all made some really beautiful projects here ladies, and I´m sure glad, I don´t have to choose here, as it would be really hard to pick one for another, as they all have some really gorgeous details on them.
    Wonderful job all of you well done ladies. Always a pleasure to see here.

  8. félicitations les filles vos cartes sont superbe

  9. Bravo aux gagnantes ! Les cartes sont de toute beauté ! Moi, j'enrage, trop de boulot en ce moment, même plus le temps d'aller sur mon blog. J'espère participer au prochain TBT. Bisous

  10. Hurra ¡¡¡¡¡ quedè en el top 3,,,que emociòn y que buen regalo de cumpleaños,...Bravoo¡¡¡¡¡,....Felicidades a las ganadoras y que hermosos proyectos presentaron todas las participantes,...nos seguiremos visitando abrazos desde Venezuela

  11. que de belles cartes! bravo à toutes! merci à toi pour cette mise en avant! tu es adorable! bises

  12. Muy hermosos trabajos .Felicidades a todas las ganadoras !! Saludos con afecto para ti Bibiana.


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana