Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throwback Thursday Challenge #3

It's Thursday!

Welcome to another
Throwback Thursday TBT 
where I take a look to a past blog post

and to our TBT Challenge #3


This week, I would like to highlight 
the "Day of the Dead" celebration!

To understand this folkloric, cultural and HAPPY celebration,
 I invite you to re-discover my past post on this celebration !

I am bringing back this 
Day of the Dead mini altar
that I posted back in October 2012
 TBT  3 day of the dead altar
pin it;

The altar was made in honor of
the Mexican and central American celebration of "Day of the Dead"

This post featured a "Tent" card and a skull made in "Papier-mâché"

want to make a "Tent" card 
see the decorated skull in color
and know more about this traditional holiday?
click on the...

Also,  I recommend you to go and see 
the Movie "the Book of Life"
on theaters right now here in the USA. 
It is a beautifully animated film, for children :) 
of the legend of Manolo, who experiences 
the worlds of death and life!

This movie is all about this holiday, family, life and death! 
 It's director (Jorge Gutierrez),  it's producer (Guillermo del Toro) 
and many of the voices on the movie are Mexican, 
so who better than them to explain this complex custom!

So my post is all about Mexico and its beautiful traditions!


As for our challenge...
Do you want to share a nostalgic "Past" blog post, like me?

then participate 
in this link-up party 

and let's begin with our TBT challenge #3

1- Revive an older project on a NEW post!
Bring back a "Past" project posted at your blog 
2- Mention the challenge in your "present" post, link it to my blog AND grab the button and display it on your side bar (copy and paste the code of the badge found on the side bar)
3- Add your link using the Inlinkz tool at the end of this post (remember to add the URL of YOUR post directly, NOT to the home page of your  blog) 
All 3 rules must be met to be eligible for a Prize!


for this challenge #3 
I have the fortune to have Paper Crafter's Library 
sponsoring the prize. 

Yipee! Yipee!

The lucky winner will get a 3 month FREE subscription to their website (a $60.00 value)
tremendous prize!
as you will have access to a HUGE online library of video tutorials 
and card classes!...

also, Right now the subscriptions are open
for the Holiday Cards 2014 video classes 
if you are interested...

I will choose a winner 
 I will announce her/him
the Wednesday before the new challenge starts!

on top of this wonderful prize offered by PCL, 
there will be special mentions, badges 
and maybe MORE surprise prizes! 
You will never know until I will announce it!

Remember: challenge held every other Thursday
NEXT "Throwback Thursday" challenge #4
on Thursday, November 6th,  2014! 

For this challenge #3 
you have almost 2 weeks to summit your "Past post"
entries will close at midnight  
California - USA time
the Tuesday before the new challenge starts! 

and Thanks again to PCL for the wonderful prize!

please link up below:
Challenge #3: 


  1. Hi Bibiana,
    well it looks like I'm first again to enter.
    I well remember this post and your lovely creation.
    I found it very fascinating the Mexican custom, when I read it last year.
    It's so great to hear about other counties customs I think.
    So thank you for the info, and all your hard work involved in this challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  2. beautiful post, we refer to the day of the dead as All Saints Day. Gorgeous creation. hugs, Nat

  3. Hermosa creaciòn Bibiana y muy valiosa informaciòn de una costumbre muy hermosa de Mexico donde recuerdan a sus seres queridos que ya han partido de èste plano,aqui se le dice dia de difuntos no tiene esa connotaciòn como en mèxico ,pero si los familiares van al cementerio a visitar sus difuntos y colocan flores,..bueno amiga aqui seguimos recordando viejos tiempos con èste desafio # 3,..abrazos

  4. Very spooky and eerie. I like All Saint Day much better than The Day of The Dead (shiver) ......Lis

  5. Hello, Bibliana! This is very interesting about the Day of the Dead - all new information for me! Thank you! Your card and skull are awesome - the skull is especially impressive! I do not have any past Day of the Dead creations but I will see what I can scare up for a past Halloween creation instead. Thank you for another fun linky and I look forward to seeing everyone's past cards! Wishing you a wonderful day!

  6. What an impresive altar you made back then, and even I feel it a bit too scary, I think, you did an outstanding job on everything, and I´m sure the young people would just love it ha ha ha, and I can see, when a great job is put into something, and it sure is here.
    Such a shame all my earlier blogposts disappeared back then, so I don´t have anything older than a year, cause it would be pretty awesome to win such an amazing prize, that you have this time, but I hope, who ever will be the lucky winner will really enjoy it. Have lots of fun this time again ladies.

  7. superbe ta carte bibiana, j adore ton squelette bravo

  8. C'est une très belle carte sur cette fête mexicaine ! En couleurs, elle est superbe ! Bisous

  9. Coucou Bibiana

    elle est très jolie ta carte avec cet adorable squelette mais ce que je préfère c'est le crâne version shabby lol

    bon week-end

  10. Superbes toutes ces cartes. Je participe donc mais "hors thème". J'attendrai pour le prochain afin d'être "dans les clous". Bises. Micha

  11. Hello again, Bibliana! I read the instructions again and realized it was Anything Goes, so that was a little easier for me. Thank you for another fun challenge - I enjoy looking through my old cards. They're not that old because I've only been blogging a year and a half but it's fun to look back!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana