Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tip of The Week: how to ease "crafter's" pains

hello My dear Crafty Friends;

The tip of the week is how to help to ease the pain when having pain in your arms and wrists...due to arthritis, repetitive stress injury, swelling of your thumbs, carpal tunnel syndrome etc  specially while crafting repeatedly,  blogging constantly or doing other repetitive activities ..

creative comfort items

I have being getting for several years now this recurrent health problem..."Tendinitis"

"Tendinitis" or "Tendonitis" is the inflammation of the tendons generally in the upper and lower limbs...and we crafter's have a tendency to suffer from this ailment since we tend to use repeatedly our hands...

As for me, My problem, began when I started working on the computer for long periods of time...It became so serious that I  had to stop working for a while, then had to go for several months to physical therapy... with time it got better but it never quits me though!
and with my blogging and crafting now,   I have to be extra careful and I implement these little "helps" to ease my pains...

So, Now every time that I use my big computer with the mouse I place this wrist rest...

Ice is a real good thing to use when having lots of pain, so I sew one wash cloth and made a small cover for my soft gel ice pack and I placed it under my arm...

When using my laptop, I use my glove cover, which is reversible and comes in different sizes and  I place the ice pack underneath...
The glove is filled with ergo-beads and  has a removable plate to maintain strait and in a correct position the wrist...

 And lastly I use this elbow band that supports my strained forearms...

Besides using these items, of course I have to stop and take many breaks, make my exercises,  improve my posture and ... sometimes unfortunately when it is too painful seek for medication and I am good to blog and craft for many hours !!!...

remember these are just suggestions,  I am not a doctor and I do not intend to give you any kind of miracle remedy, this is just something that works for me...and maybe for you too!

and this is why I choose my "creative comfort" items 
to be the tip of the week...

My other tips of the week 
are on the side bar 
or click on "Crafting Tips"
So what are your little secrets/ home remedies 
to ease those nasty pains? 

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  1. Great suggestions. I don't have those pains yet; but I'll be
    passing your tips onto my Mom.

  2. All great tips Bibiana. I also have carpel tunnel in both wrists and use similar products.

  3. que excelentes ideas, ami no se me habia ocurrido!

  4. voila une bonne idée, il est vrai que nous avons des gestes repetitif donc on s use un peu plus chaque jours :p

  5. Merci pour ces bons conseils et astuces. Bises.

  6. I'm giggling as I am reading your blog with my foot on an ice pack for my sprained ankle. Your tips are great, but Tylenol also helps me out. Love your blog!

    1. sorry to hear about your ankle!! but your comment too put a smile on my face too...glad that this post was kind of "funny" for you...I totally understand, sometimes we are connected ...and say "hey" I am living that stuff now! right?
      thanks for coming by

  7. Bon conseil pour la prévention! Merci et prends soin de toi!

  8. We all should take better care of our hands...just had carpal tunnel surgery...and doing the therapy now...but I'm still having server pain in my wrist and I've been thinking about something like this wrist band...and hoping that helps...thanks for you info...

  9. Ho Bibiana, toi aussi tu souffres de douleurs aux mains, poignet, bras!!!
    Bienvenue au club, moi aussi, j'ai la même chose et j'utilise un tapis de souris avec un repose poignet avec gel.
    Je n'arrive même plus a serrer et desserrer un bocal de conserve.
    Merci pour tes astuces pour ces douleurs qui nous handicapent dans notre hobby!!! Bonne et belle journée.

    1. salut ma chere amie; desolee pour tes mains, oui je sais c'est un mal de nous toutes!!
      as tu recu mon paquet?

  10. Merci pour tes conseils Bibiana!

  11. It sure sounds pretty familiar. I´ve been through 3 major backsurgeries, so have definitely learned the importance of a good chair too, that´s for sure, else I can´t sit more than max. 10 minutes, either at my computer or my craftdesk, so it sure IS important to take good care of your health, so thanks s lot for bringing the issue up here so everyone can learn from it too.


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana