Saturday, August 9, 2014

My 7 petal pop up flower card was C.A.S.E

Do you remember ...

VIDEO  tutorial below...

Hello my dear stamper friends;

I was very happy when my fellow blogger friend Cathy Andronicou contacted me!
And I am honored to pass on my tutorial to her,  who asked me if she could C.A.S.E (Copy And Share Everything) my card for her tutorial assignment at the SRM stickers blog, and I said YES, of course! 

Cathy, a very talented lady, from England who is in several DT companies, such as Penny Black, Tsukineko and Spellbinders, shares her tutorials at both of her blogs: 1- "The Bright Side of Life", 2- "Freedom to create"
knew how to put her own twist on this tutorial and made the card out of doilies!,
speaking of  improving things!!!
this version is much faster and the result is fantastic! thanks to Cathy, we learnt a new way to improve this fun tutorial...

My card ...

7 petal pop up flower card
Pin it:  

Below is her card...just so beautiful!!!
Cathy's version using doilies...visit SRM blog to see her tutorial

let's just say hello to Cathy and thank her for her twist on this tutorial!

I was very happy to be able to share something ....
and let me know Who is your favorite artist 
to "C.A.S.E" cards from? 
I am eager to know!

Thanks for the visit!!!
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  1. Thank you so much Bibiana, for letting me CASE such an amazing idea and for sharing my version on your blog. I feel so honoured to be shown on the page of a designer with so much creative talent. Hugs x

  2. oh, what a pretty pop-up-card! I love it!
    I’d say my style really varies .

    sending best wishes

  3. Thank you so much for sharing, Bibiana! I honestly love both versions equally and appreciate both tutorials! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Beautiful cards,it's lovely when you inspire someone isn't it :)

    Thank you for leaving lovely comments on my blog,it's really appreciated

    Donna xx

  5. Hi Bibiana,

    Stunning card, beautiful colours.

    Sorry not been in touch I am in France at my sisters for a week, my husband said I had got a card from royal mail stating they had a package for me but I have to pay £23 money owing to get it so I don't know if this is your packet or not until I get home to sort it out. I will let you know then ok?

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. hi jacquie: I know you are in France...Hope my packet does not cause you problems...We will talk when you come back...

  6. WOW! Stunning cards, with a great tutorial.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. x

  7. géniales ces cartes bravo bravo - pour la traduction je pense ue je la reverrais sur l'autre blog A+ bisous

    1. chere carinne: je ne la posterai pas dans le blog en francais car ce ne sont pas des découpes de Memory Box :(

  8. Superbes les 2 versions! Bravo les filles! Bises

  9. Elle est vraiment magnifique cette carte en relief

  10. Both cards are unbelievable - gorgeous - outstanding! WOWZERS!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  11. C'est vraiment superbe, 2 magnifiques cartes, joli combo, bravo. Bises.

  12. I like different things about both cards. Love the front of your card, but do like the petals on the other. Love the punched edges on yours a lot. The doily seems easier but the look isnt the same.

    1. great input, it does help to know what people think..

  13. Magnifique ta carte Bibiana!
    Tu as reçu mon enveloppe?

    1. Non pas encore!, ne t'inquiete pas le courrier prends du temps!!!

  14. Trop magnifique cette fleur j adore un grand merci pour ce tuto je vais essayer de le refaire dur dur merci encore bisou et bonne soirée a bientot

  15. Amazing card from both of you ladies here. I say like Eileen, there´s good things about both cards. I admit I like your final look the best, her version is kept a bit more simple, but then it´s much faster and easier to make, and there´s times where each look is the best for the reciever or occasion, so both versions are usefull and you´ve both done an outstanding job, and thanks sooo very much to both of you for the tutorials here. I think it´s fantastic to see the same idea used in such different ways, as we´re all different and like different, and that what makesa good crafter, to be able to indivisualize a great idea to fit who ever is having the finished result, and you both did that 100%. You girls just rock. Have a wonderful sunday everyone.

  16. vos cartes sont mangifiques mesdames waouh bravo

  17. ces cartes fleurs sont superbes!!!
    bravo les filles!!

    1. merci a vous (les copines de la france) pour vos com. et vos visites!

  18. Beautiful Card Bibiana. Cathy certainly honored you with a beautiful card. Both are exceptional beauties. - Jim

  19. Hello Bibiana ! J'avais adoré ta carte aux sept pétales ! La version de Cathy est pas mal non plus, je suis allée voir sur son site, son utilisation des napperons est géniale ! Bises

  20. Lovely card and a great honour. You are one generous lady - I know - thanks for the envelope of goodies you sent.

  21. Really pretty Bibiana no wonder Cathy wanted to CASE it. I love loads of people's work including yourself . But I love a lady's style at the moment called Michelle short from the card grotto as she does CAS cards x

  22. Both versions of this card are amazing! I really enjoyed your great tutorial. I tried making this card ages ago (I did not use your tutorial...something else I had found) and my card was a complete failure nothing would line up for me. I'll have to try it again using your great tutorial...Thanks for sharing.

  23. Must take another look at this. I loved your original version but never did get around to making one. Maybe this is the reminder I needed

  24. Oh my heavens both cards are gorgeous. I'd like to try your tutorial and just might find the time.


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana