Saturday, June 28, 2014

Thank You for the Cards from my Blogger Friends

Hello My Dear Stamper Friends:
These beautiful cards are the ones that I have received for various occasions from some of you my blogger Friends...and finally today I manage to post them here at my blog and share them with all of you! so...

Today's post is dedicated to YOU, my friends!...
Thank You, 
Mille fois Merci 
Muchísimas Gracias!

Here we go...(I am putting their links to their blogs in case you want to pay them a visit!)

Carinne from France, (carinne créas 87) made this beautiful layered bird cage with flowers card in pastel colors, so soft and pretty!
Chantal from France,  (papierscrapetc) with this fun size, as well included cloth (pattern flowers) and burlap in her card and combine the pink with the gray marvelously...

Maryline from France, (scrap fantaisie de mary) made a superbe collage card in kraft and patterned  papers with great combination of colors and included a matching gift pocket bag with paper flowers and some leaves...
Catalina from USA, made a monochromatic card in earth tones. Love the combination and layering of her stamps...and the envelope was decorated too! 

Coco, from France (parties de scrap à 4 mains) created this fun and eye catching corset card with dies and the background was embossed. She send me special craft items from France and included some bookmarks from Paris!
Maryline, once more (scrap fantaisie de mary) created a wonderful gift set with these peaceful stamped images and sponging background! Noticed how she always matches her gift bags with her cards! so darling. And she included wood words in French! I love it!!!

Mes chères amies, 
j'apprécie énormément ces gestes d'estime et d'amitié 
que vous me portez!
J'ai reçue ces cartes avec une grande surprise 
et à des moments vraiment inattendus, 
et qui m'ont rendue extrémement contente!
je les garde dans un endroit spécial 
et vos pensées seront à jamais dans mon coeur! 
encore une fois mille merci!
PS: traduisez la page avec "google translate" a droite en bas de page de ce blog.

My Friends, 
I really treasure your tokens of appreciation and friendship!
I have received these cards at unexpected moments 
I am keeping them in a special place 
and your thoughts are in my heart! 
once more Thank you!

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  1. ravie que tu aies été gâtée, tu le mérites my friend!!!
    et ravie que mon envoi soit arrivé à temps!!
    gros gros bisous

  2. Hi Bibiana,
    sorry I haven't been around for a while, but I have had a slipped disc in the top of my spine, and this prevented me from typing and using my mouse.
    What a fab collection of creations here. Not sure what it is all about as I have been away form blogland for nearly 3 months.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  3. Beautiful cards my friend. Isn't lovely to receive such gorgeous cards. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. What a fine gift of friendship these cards are. You are such a bubbly and sweet friend to those you meet. The cards are made with obvious love for you and a friendship that is extra special. Happy, happy, happy. You are blessed.

    Hugs and blessings

  5. What beautiful cards...such wonderful treasures (If you're like me...they will be kept for keepsakes and as a reminder of the great friends and the sharing of their valuable time in making these superb cards that you have received!

  6. Lucky Bibiana! your fans are great! Me to , I want to post you a card !Soon!
    Hugs and kisses from Capucine

  7. que de magnifiques cartes reçues , des scropines géniales , bravo , les filles !

  8. Je te souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire, tu as été bien gâtée, ces cartes sont superbes, bravo aux créatrices. Bises.

  9. Theres nothing better than receiving cards from a friend. I still have the beautiful valentine's card you sent me and I will always cherish it. Hope all is well .
    hugs natalie

  10. WAUW sooo many gorgeous cards here. They´re all so beautiful and you can see, they´re made with lots of love. It sure is oe of the most wonderful feelings to recieve such an unexpected card, but it´s often almost impossible, as we can´t just get peoples adresses without asking them for it, and then it´s not unexpected anymore, unless you´re lucky enough to have from other things. I have a huge box of cards myself, that I´ve recieved from friends all over the world through many many years, and there´s nothing soo wonderful as sit down on the floor on a grey day and pour them all out and I can sit for hours and just look through all my beautiful cards there, and after that you´re always getting up with a huge smile on your face again, that´s for sure. Have a wonderful sunday everyone.

  11. Ce fut un réel plaisir de réaliser cet ensemble pour toi et je suis contente de t'avoir agréablement surprise ! Tu as été bien gâtée, c'est super ! Gros bisous.

  12. Hello Bibiana ! Tu as reçu des merveilles ! Je suis désolée d'avoir loupé cela mais je ne connaissais pas ta date d'anniversaire ! Coco dit que c'est le 28 ! Alors, je te souhaite, avec un peu de retard, un Joyeux anniversaire ! Mille bisous.

  13. Beautiful cards. It's always so nice to get snail mail

  14. Je ne connaissais pas non plus ta date d'anniversaire, avec du retard, une bonne année qui commence pour toi et peux-tu me donner ton adresse postale que je comble ma lacune .
    De gros bisous

  15. bon j'ai zappé la date de ton anniversaire......bon comme je t'avais envoyé une carte il y a quelques temps donc j'étais en avance,je peux avoir un peu de retard cette fois!!!!! bises

  16. Bibiana, Just wanted to wish you a Happy Belated birthday! Hope it was a very special day!

  17. I am so sorry i missed your special day, you had some amazing cards xx


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana