Monday, June 16, 2014

Inchies and Rinchies

Hello My dear Crafty and Stamper Friends:

Quick note: over the week-end, I switched my "comments settings"  to only "registered users" but apparently this function did not let some of you comment on my blog...
So I switch to "anyone" back(this includes anonymous users) , which is what I had before...but I was getting so much "spam" that it drove me crazy....anyways...
I will leave it again for a few days as "anyone" and let's see how it goes...
If you have any suggestions on how to control spam, I will appreciated it very much...
I do not want to put "word verification" I think this featured,  takes a lot of our time ...and I want to make it easy and quick for all of you "commentators"...

This being said...
Today, I am bringing to you 2 cards made with  "Inchies and Rinchies"...
this first one is made with Inchies...

I believe most of us Know the "Inchies"...but I was not familiar myself with "Rinchies". And When I discovered them, I decided to make a card with them too...
See below...

"Inchies", from the word "Inch", are 1"x1" little square pieces of art work, that can be  trade or incorporated in cards or any project that you desire...and made out of any medium that you can think of, paper, cloth, metal, clay etc as long as they measure 1"x 1", you do not have limits on these pieces of art work...
For my cards I used the NEW  "mixed fruit" die that Memory Box released  this summer...and the size of these cuties are perfect for this type of cards...

As for the "Rinchies", they are circles of 1" of diameter, instead of squares. I have seeing them used to decorate the bottle caps from the sodas...very cute...

Mine have a twist, as the circles are punched from  a square scalloped piece of paper...

Below: I glued a small cherry on the back of the apples to make the stems of the apples...

For the "Inchies"  card I decorated the corner with this corner leaf...and left the die in place and sponged with green ink to make those lines...I used the die as a stencil...

A last view of my "Inchies" favorite of the 2 :)...

If you would like to see more on this form of art visit my "Pinterest Board" where I gather several samples and videos from other fellow crafters...

As always thanks for the visit 
and please let me know 
if you had trouble commenting over the week end
or if you have suggestions on how to block spam, thanks 

Follow on Bloglovin


scallop square punch: from Stampin Up!'


  1. Very cute cards Bibiana. Well both Inches and Rinches are new to me, but oh so cute with the fruit, love it. I sure wish google or whoever is to blame for losing my blog subscriptions would get it together already. Got them back once but still havent got them back the second time, so frustrating. One blog mentioned a corrupted code in email feeds needed to be changed?

  2. Very pretty card! I always learn something when I come to visit your blog. I had heard of "inchies" I have made a inchie card, but I never heard of 'Richies" before. smile. They say that you learn something new everyday. So now I need to try a richie card! Hope you have a great week.

  3. Tes cartes sont vraiment superbes, bon choix de papiers et jolis combo de couleurs, j'adore ton noeud jaune, bravo. Bises

  4. Never heard of rinchies but lovely discovery. You cards are colourful and very cute. Thanks for sharing them. Didn't come by over the weekend so cannot help with your blogging comment issue. Spam is a real nuisance on all things computer related.

  5. Your fruity minis look super in combination with each other and you've made such great cards with them. Jenny x

  6. hi Bibiana, well I have heard of inchies as others not heard of rinchies ..both look how you have decorated them..beautiful colours and layouts..
    sorry cannot help with your blog issues..
    pam x

  7. I didn't know anything about the rinchies, thanks for the discovery!! Love your cards, xxx

  8. 2 more beautiful cards Bibiana, really beautiful. I´ve made both kinds before, but never heard the name rinchies before either, I´ve just used the leftover panels when I´ve been punching some circles earlier, without knowing there was a name for it, but now I know he he he. Yours are both really beautiful indeed.
    I haven´t had any problems commenting, and about the spam, then no sorry I wish I knew, cause then it would help myself a lot too, so I´ll keep an eye here and see, if something good comes up, as I have the same problem myself, but I still just delete them as they show up, as I´m also against the word verification too, and I don´t bother comment on the blogs, who use it, as it does take soooo long then.

  9. Trop belles ces cartes ! Je ne connaissais pas non plus les rinchies ! Tes cartes sont très gaies, pleines de couleurs ! J'adore ton nœud jaune moi aussi ! Bises

  10. me parecen bellísimas tus tarjetas!

  11. These cards are so cute.
    Too bad blogs don't have spam
    filters like email.

  12. Gorgeous cards, Bibiana! I love the inchies one too! I think it is the colors I'm drawn to with the mostly white background of the card! Gorgeous!
    Testing my comment to make sure I can post!

  13. waue just love this beautiful card

  14. Wow Bibiana these are beautiful love those images they look so juicy, the designs are superb, love them.
    lorraine x

  15. lovely cards,
    bye, Pitchoune


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana