Friday, June 13, 2014

Crab Fest Invitation and a Video!

Hello My dear Stamper and crafty friends:

 I posted this card at the French Blog" "Un brin de créativité" for Memory Box and as soon as I saw this little crab from the NEW summer release I had to have it... since I am a cancer and I love crab fests I had to adopt him ...
Note: Memory box has a cute lobster too, in case you want to make an invitation to a lobster fest :)

The first time that I discovered a "crab fest", it was in Baltymore, Maryland in the east coast of the United was fabulous and since then I am a huge fan of these feasts...
We had a blast at the baseball stadium, where they filled it with tables and lost and lots of tubs with cooked crabs in a "black" sauce...but oh my, how delicious it was!!!

For me, as a foreigner it was a real cultural experience ...
I have never seeing a whole stadium filled with tables all covered with newspapers, wood hammers, plastic bibs and metal cans for the shells...
You only eat crabs and have some side dishes like coleslaw, corn veggies, bread etc...but the main thing is to eat crab until you can no longer do it...and it is pretty messy but so worth it...

detail of the Knot...see Video below

I believe this is very unique to here to the USA? I have not seeing this either in France or Latin America..but I do not know if in England or Germany they have such feats!!! maybe for bear or sausages?

Here in San Francisco, at "Fisherman's wharf" (the fisherman's quarter) it is celebrated in november and the whole street is just set up with tables...from all the restaurants and you just eat crabs side to side to the wharf..paired with some Napa Valley wines!!!
Ok my friends here it is  a VIDEO 
for the how  to on that sailors knot!

Off to go and watch the world cup for soccer in Brasil...

I am so excited, even though I am not such a sports person, I love  the positive ambiance and to think that the whole world is united around a ball, it is pretty amazing, don't you think?

Although, with the extreme poverty that exist in our beloved Latin American countries you feel angry to see that all those billions are NOT going to the people who really needs them...
but this is a huge and very controversial issue...
let's just focus on what is positive and keep us united all around the world  in a friendly event for a whole month!!!

Thanks for the visit and the lovely comments ...

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  1. I am all smiles while reading your post. It is obvious that you are excited about your experience in Baltimore with the fest in the stadium. It is reflected in your card. Excellent as always. The knot is special since I was in the Navy.


  2. Fun card with the knot on it. Not sure I would enjoy a crab-fest but glad you did.

  3. Brilliant card, love everything about it.
    Like you I am not really a "football" watcher but you do get caught up in the atmosphere, politics aside.
    Off to watch the video, I like the idea of your bracelet.
    Have a great weekend

    Patricia x

  4. Très belle carte, merci pour le tuto. Bises.

  5. What an awesome card hun, I really like it a lot, and that knot is sooo cool, thanks sooo much for sharing the video for it.
    I´ve never heard of a fest like this, but in Germany they do have the Beerfestival in October, where they´re doing the same with beer and all kinds of food, whatever people like. Here in Denmark many cities does make these long tables through the streets for their anual fests in each city, where people gather for breakfast or in the fishing season we do it with a herringtable too, where people sit and eat herring in any thinkable way, so guess that´s a bit the same like your crabfest, just we use herring, and not in just one way but made in many different ways, and that sure is a fest for sure.

  6. J'adore les fruits de mer et les crabes (dans mon assiette, pas sur la plage, hihi) j'aimerai bien venir à cette fête ! snifff
    Merci pour la vidéo
    M F

  7. Cute card Bibiana, you made me hungry love both crab and lobster and have never been to a fest for it.

    Well, lost my blogs again, I dont know whats going on with the web but this is the second time Im not receiving my blog subscriptions so.....just letting you know.


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana