Monday, June 2, 2014

Beads for Lavinia's Challenge # 6

Hello My dear Stamper Friends:

Recuperating little by little from a nasty flu GRRRR!!!...
Here I am today for Lavinia's Challenge # 6... and this time around we had to use beads in our cards...

I used the adorable "Acorn Dwelling " and I decided to use a little bit of  a "vintage" look on this card.

The beads are micro- beads and they come in different colors...

I used for the bottom of the house brown ones and for the top platinum, the fairy has a mix of greens!

A last view...

Remember to visit ALL my fellow DT friends blog's to see their creations using beads (blogs on my side bar) and enter your card to the challenge at  Lavinia's Challenge Blog for a chance to win £40.00 to spend at Lavinia's site (e-mails entries are accepted too). Good Luck!!!

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I have a new section of "STENCIL TUTORIALS" on my side bar...I finally compiled and organized all these tutorials  the way I wanted using the "Inlinkz/linkup" tool. I was very happy  with it . I hope you can make that section one of your favorite places of reference!!!

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THANKS for the visit and I leave you here...
I am off to rest some more :)))
Keep on crafting, safe and healthy!!!

Follow on Bloglovin


Lavinia's stamps: acorn dwelling; willow; three dancing fairies


  1. Hi Bibiana, wow! What a fabulous card, love the vintage feel to it, and the addition of all the gorgeous micro beads is superb, the texture is fab, xx Zoe xx

  2. Hi Bibiana, such a lovely card and so interesting using the different colours of micro beads - looks fab! Hope you feel better soon x

  3. Stunning Bibiana. Lot of work. excellent.

  4. Une carte des plus charmantes, c'est vraiment joli !
    Bisous de Capucine

  5. wow Bibiana es una tarjeta preciosa, me han encantado las texturas que usaste!

  6. Such a brilliant card, how awesome are the micro beads ! Hope you manage to shake off the flu quickly xx

  7. Comme toujours c'est superbe, bravo. Bises.

  8. Such an awesome card here Bibiana, so beautiful as always.
    Sorry to hear, that you were caught by the flu, and I really hope, that you´ll feel much better again real soon. I know how bad you feel, as I was caught not too long ago myself. Drink lots and rest, then you´ll hopefully soon feel better.
    Big gentle cyber hugs

  9. Eileen L. said.....
    Love the card with Micro Beads, first time Ive seen these beads on a card, beautiful. Sorry to hear you have a flu bug, nasty stuff. Feel better soon. Want to let you know that today I received your blog post for the first time since the problem early in May, yipee they obviously are fixing it. Ive been getting some blog posts back a little at a time since yesterday, today was yours, so Im happy. Feel better soon.

  10. Une carte splendide ! Super toutes ces perles ! Bises

  11. Hi Bibiana,
    What a beautiful creations you made in the last view weeks. I love them all.
    Hugs, from Holland, Petra. xxx

  12. Beautiful card Bibiana, love it, you have such a unique style. Kx

  13. Beautiful card...I'm sure this took quite a while to do...but so worth it.
    Sorry to hear that you have been sick...hope you are feeling so much better now.

  14. Beautiful card Bibiana, such clever use of the micro beads...I love your style, hugs Karen xxx
    Hope your are feeling better now x


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana