Sunday, April 27, 2014

Canonization of 2 Popes!

Today it is a Historical Day...
and  I am joining the thousands of people around the world 
celebrating this unique event ...  

Unique day in History,  reuniting 4 popes at the same time: 2 "HERE " and 2 "THERE"...
Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII

making Saints 2 of them on the same day
and being alive The reigning Pope and the emeritus one on the same day

Why Pope John XXIII  and John Paul II are being canonized?
Both come from very humble beginnings, not noble families (Italy and Poland) with real sense of humanity and very loved/venerated  by the catholic faithfuls.
John Paul II's has being attributed with miracles, called the "Pope of the family", the most traveled Pope and proclaimed by the people at his funeral to be proclaimed "saint now"...
John XXIII , called "the good pope", a reformist and his great achievement was to call for the second Vatican council, which modernized and opened the church.
Both men considered participants for the peace in the world. 
The event is perceived not only to canonized 2 men but to recognize 2 role models of the church.
1- All the roses adorning today's event were donated by the Country of Ecuador
2- Only the Catholics Queens/Princesses/Duchesses , as the Queen Sofia of Spain, have the privilege to wear white attire with "Mantillas", all the other women have to wear black for a papal audience or ceremony at the Vatican
3- Pope Francis had part of his Lung removed 
4- Pope Francis has not yet used his "Mercedes-Benz Popemobile", he plans to drive his 20 year old "Renault 4" and the night of his election traveled in minibus with all the cardinals.
5- Pope John Paul II did not have any family left (at the age of 20).

Regardless of our beliefs...
 I am celebrating for being able to be part as a far-away witness 
of such original event in our western culture...
because History is being written before our eyes

As for my card, I placed 2 halos representing the 2 now Popes made Saints...
The cross is weaved  with a 1/4" ribbon, for the vertical line I used 24" ribbon and for the  small one half. I glued the ribbon with Fabri-Tac.

and the dove symbolizes "peace to the world" with 2 olive branches

And I wanted to share this video that I found about 
a letter that 
John Paul II's wrote for the ARTISTS

a last view of my card that can be used as well for communions, weddings etc...

Wishing for peace and tolerance among ALL convictions...
Atheists, Christians, Muslims, 
Hindus,  Buddhist, Jewish, Bahá'ís  etc etc etc...

weather we agree or disagree 
on this Canonization...

let's agree in being more tolerant 
being more kind to one another...

and Wishing you a 



  1. The card is gorgeous Bibiana. It and you are a tribute to what we all should be like. I agree with the whole of your post today.


  2. My dear friend, what a lovely message of love and peace, through the use of art, and your card a symbol of that beauty and grace. TFS.

  3. Lovely card for a big occasion.

  4. SUBLIME carte pour un bel évènement, vraiment très belle carte, la foi m'aime beaucoup depuis de nombreuses années à affronter tous les problèmes de la vie, bisesss, TIFFANY ,,, BRAVO pour ton hommage

  5. Magnifique carte, très beau message de paix et de tolérance. Bises.

  6. Elle est magnifique ta carte Bibiana!

  7. Beautiful card...beautiful post!

  8. Pretty card. Then I shall zip my mouth on the theme of the card as to not offend.

  9. Beautiful card Bibiana, how lovely is your ribbon cross, such a beautiful post.
    pam x

  10. Absolut gorgeous card here again Bibiana, really beautiful. Unfortunately I have lost my sound here, so I can´t hear the video, but will watch it later, when hubby come home and can fix it, but it´s sooo cool, that craft is mentioned in such a big way of life, as being important, but I´ve always felt, that crafting people are very special and caring people to others, and I think it´s not just something I feel then? But it´s sooo true, that even in higher places it´s noticed, which is sooo awesome.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  11. Ta carte est magnifique Bibiana ! Très belle réalisation pour cette occasion unique et rare ! Joli tressage de rubans ! Bravo à toi ! Bises

  12. I love the beautiful texture and peace dove. gorgeous design!

  13. Gorgeous card and such a wonderful post.


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana