Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Sympathy Card...

Hello My Dear Stamper Friends:
When death knocks so close to your door, your life comes to a halt and suddenly you see things in a different perspective...

With lost of sadness and a "heavy" heart I made this card late last night...for my Great Uncle who passed away yesterday, as some of you already know!...

but Grateful as well for my present, cherishing past memories and looking into the  light and soaking into these new learning experiences that life brings you...

I am grateful to the existence of this blog, where I get to express myself trough my creativity and thankful for YOU my dear "virtual" friends that have come here and shared your thoughts and sympathy (in yesterdays' post) ...thank you!

The goal of this blog is to share my creativity with you all and by no means to make you sad...
on the contrary we are gathered here to share and learn... and this what I came up with...

I tried  very hard to make as simple as possible, because I wanted something Clean and Simple  
BUT my style always comes out!!!
and I am grateful as well for this because I am getting to know myself and getting to discover what moves me in life...anyways with no further words I leave you with these photos of my card...

The ribbon was tucked into the corners into a diagonal slit made on the paper

and I used some inks with the "shine" stencil and parchment paper to die cut some tulips...

Thanks for visiting today and for being here in my beloved blog!
and remember to hug the important people in your life, 
while we still can!




  1. Hi Bibiana, I'm sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful card and a fitting tribute for your Great Uncle. Maddy x

  2. mes pensées vont vers toi, j'espère qu'elle pourront soulager un petit peu ta peine. tu lui as fait une très belle carte, c'est un beau cadeau pour ton grand oncle.

  3. What a beautiful card. Oh, that's a fabulous ides to cut a slip to tuck the ribbon in the corners. So clever.

  4. So sorry for your loss! This card is very beautiful!

  5. Absolutely STUNNING sympathy card for your Uncle's loss. May he rest in peace. I'm sending a HUGE HUG to you to let you know how sorry I am, Bibiana.

  6. Sorry to hear of your loss Bibiana . Your card is beautiful


  7. Such a beautiful card Bibiana, and I´m sure, your uncle would´ve loved it, as he knew you and your style, and it would definitely have put a smile on his face, I´m sure.
    Thinking of you these hard days hun.

  8. Hi Bibiana, la mento la perdida de tu Tio, es dificil cuando perdemos a un ser querido, mis mas sinceras condolencias. Pero creo que tu Tio le encantara.
    Tu siempe creas hermosas cosas, y esta en especial. Recibe muchos abrazos de mi parte y consolacion.

  9. My sincere condolences.

  10. Miss Bibiana, this is a BRILLIANT card, simple, but with all your special touches on it, the ribbon is fabulously done, the background id gorgeous and the flower superb, I for one am honored to witness all you have become, a wonderful loving generous sharing, caring humane being, I celebrate that and soooo happy to visit here, you make the world a more beautiful place, thanks for that, Namaste to you my dear Friend... (((( HUGE HUGS ))))....

  11. Sorry to hear your news. This is a lovely tribute.

  12. Sorry for your loss Bibiana, beautiful card for such a sad occassion, like you I find it so hard to do CAS cards.

  13. A gorgeous card. It says so much. Thinking of you. Hugs


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana