Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guest Designer at Blue Moon Scrapbooking!

Hello Dear Stamper Friends:
I am very excited to share with you that I will be doing some tutorials for 
"Blue Moon Scrapbooking" in the coming days...

Blue Moon Scrapbooking
 Contains Affiliate Links

I discovered them right when I began stamping...through their unique and very informative VIDEOS that they film on Scrapbooking supplies and specially on all the "CHA" (Craft and Hobby association) shows that they have through Scott's and Lisa's voices  that I got to enjoy "virtually" this show since I have not had the opportunity to go...!!!

I love their friendly and very fast response each time that I had to purchase something online and they are not only friendly but they offer FREE shipping over  $50.00 purchase in the USA!

if you have some extra little time pay them a visit  
leave a comment
and watch their videos!
I am sure they will be happy to see you there and if you need some goodies then do not forget as well to visit the online store too!
(FREE shipping with $50.00)
Thanks for the support! 
Remember, I will LOVE to see your comments there TOO! 
Thanks Again! 
So Stay tuned for these coming tutorials!



  2. Congratulations Babina. You do terrific work and am so excited for your new venture.

  3. Congrats they are lucky to have you :O), left some love over there, ((( BIG HUGS)))...

  4. Congrats to you!! I have also ordered from them and watch their videos as well. Can't wait to see what you do!

  5. Congratulations Bibiana, You will definitely be a big asset to the team. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Wow and congratulations - I will be watching!!!
    I totally agree with Rita - you will be an asset for BlueMoon!
    Sandy xx

  7. hi Bibiana, very exciting I look forwaard to seeing your videos. Your creations always amaze me and I can wait to see your creations. Sending you smiles :)

  8. super toutes mes félicitations

  9. Félicitations Bibiana ! C'est mérité, tout ce que tu fais est un ravissement pour les yeux ! Bises

  10. Wouw that´s amazing news, biiiig CONGRATULATION. Not sure if i should wish you or them the biggest congrats thoug, but no matter what, I´m looking sooo forward to see, what you´ll share with us all there, but I´m sure, it´ll be awesome.
    Hope you´ll enjoy it and have loads of fun with it.

  11. Congrats, Bibiana!! I love their store!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana