Thursday, January 9, 2014

MY Blog's banner is Damaged for Now

UPDATE: Jan. 10th 2014:

Hello dear friends...thanks for the comments..
It is soooo weird!!!
Last night I opened my blog and it had very very horrible photos on top of my banner: a "UFO: like a warship on war" and a second one with a "girl with glasses"...
of course I panicked...
I search and search and my husband told me that it could be a corruption were I store my photo banners which is in "Tinypic"...

Anyways, I opened the blog this morning and ALL  is NORMAL!!!
how weird is this?
thanks for the comment letting me know that you see it normal too!!! 
below it what I wrote first...
posted on jan 9th:

My apologies for those HORRIBLE photos in my banner!  
I do not know what is going on...
I am working to fix my banner! 
something got corrupted...
The blog still works, though....


  1. What horrible pictures??? Here it looks completely normal with a lovely picture of an owl on top of some flowers and a mailbox with lovely cards in it, and to me that looks pretty nice, I must say.

  2. Looks lovely to me Bibiana. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Tout semble normal pour moi aussi Bibiana ! Bisous

  4. Coucou Bibiana
    Tout est normal pour moi aussi c'est sans doute passager j'espère pour toi que tout rentre dans l'ordre au plus vite et que se soit un mauvais rêve bye

  5. Tout est bien OK pour voir ton blog... Bonne et belle fin de semaine ! Raymonde x

  6. Je n'ai rien vu d'anormal sur ton blog!

  7. C'est OK pour moi aussi!!!

  8. Glad things look back to normal. What a panic for you!

  9. Tout me semble normal ici ...
    qq fois, il se passe des choses bizarres .

  10. Yes, all looks fine to me too. I know my hubby was having trouble with the margins in his blog, and so were some of my blogging friends. I was having trouble with leaving comments. so it may have been another off day for blogger!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana