Monday, May 2, 2016

Footstool: "Hindeloopen" Dutch Folk Art with DecoArt

Hello Dear Blogger Friends:

I wanted to share in here a piece of wood furniture that I painted using my DecoArt Americana acrylic paints...

a "Hindeloopen Footstool"

The original design is from my dear painter teacher Carl Larson...
here it is his table masterpiece...

NOTE:"Hindeloopen" refers to a special style of painted furniture from the 17th century from the northern region of the Netherlands
which emphasizes in scrolls and flowers. Typically in this dutch folk art form of painting deep greens, blues and reds are favored.

Here it is my version...

With his permission;  I decided to modify his design to fit my footstool, which it is a much smaller piece of furniture and changed the palette from reds/black to blues....

First I divided the surface in 4 and I trace onto my piece the original pattern (see tracing paper)...section by section
the same design is repeated in the 4 sections...

When all is traced I base coat the main scrolls and flowers...

close ups of the 1st main coat....

Views of the top, side and below surfaces...

From here you add shadows, highlight and finishing touches...lots of layers!

Here it is the finished piece with its shadows and highlights...

View of the top of my footstool

some details

Finished side view

from the other side

I love my paints and what I can do with them!!!
The variety of colors is awesome
I always make a chart with the colors used for future reference...

and did you know that DecoArt just released a NEW set of 7 fresh colors?
check them out!!! they look amazing!!!

Finally, I want to finish this post by thanking my teacher Carl, 
for having me in his painting class and teaching me so much!

I feel very fortunate to have met him and learnt from his excellent experience in "Rosemaling" (Traditional Norwegian Folk Art) and Folk Art in general. 

I am so blessed to be able to have the opportunity to discover the wonderful world of Decorative Painting 
from around the world! 
such as this old style of painting!...
the "Hindeloopen" style

Hoping that these old trades do not fall into oblivion!

Thanks for the company 
See you for another craft/painting project! 

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  1. What a beautiful piece of artwork to enjoy in your home. I hope you are delighted with the piece - it is gorgeous. Well done my friend!

  2. ho la la c'est magnifique Bibiana !!!!
    Ton professeur t'a donné de bonnes leçons et tu as su suivre ses conseils avec beaucoup de beauté. Ton tabouret est incroyablement beau.
    Bisous Bibiana

  3. Gosh, you make me miss painting sooo bad. You piece is beautiful. Oh how you must enjoy seeing it in your house.

  4. pas d'un style que j'aimerais voir chez moi mais j'admire le travail que tu as fait, bravo !

  5. Absolut stunning work here, it really hit me in more ways than one, as I was certain it looked exactly the same as one my granddad had in his house. He was married for the second time, as my grandmother died very very young, so he remarried later on with a really great and clever lady, who was an exelent painter in any way too, and now I´ve just checked with my dad, as he have a picture, and it is the exact same pattern, that is used on their foodstool too, so you just took me down on trip through Memory Lane here, and back to my childhood here with this, as I was soo sure, when I saw your picture, it was the same, and it really is, how fun is that, as sheåainted that at least 50 tp 60 years ago? ha ha ha

  6. Tu as fait là un magnifique travail Bibiana ! Il est trop joli ton repose-pieds. Une jolie touche de gaieté dans la déco ! Bises

  7. Oh Wow that is just fantastic, you did a wonderful job on the shading of your flowers, just brought them to life, Beautiful piece, something that will be passed down from generation to generation I am sure!

  8. Quel beau travail d'artiste-peintre que tu as fait !
    Ton prof doit être imprésionné, bravo Bibiana !

  9. C'est superbe, ces dessins me font penser aux motifs d'anciennes boîtes que ma grand-mère avait reçu de la part de ses amies polonaises. Bises.

  10. Two absolutely gorgeous steps Love these projects..............Lis

  11. waouh c est magnifique, quel finesse quel travail chapeau

  12. I love more yours in blue than the other one in red. this project is really wonderful and I would paint so good like you do!

  13. wooww Bibiana que preciosidad, me gusto mucho tu trabajo!!!

  14. Amazing work! Looks so beautiful! That had to take you a long time to do...but so worth it!

  15. Absolutely stunning ! A real piece of art xx


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana