Thursday, February 11, 2016

Felt projects using Memory Box dies...

Hello dear friends:

Getting better day by day...
I have learned not to "overdue" things...
Organization, diversifying the activities and "letting go"... 
have being essential...

so I only do an hour MAX. of computer use...
then I rest...
change activity, exercise my hand, ice the hand...
craft or paint for another hour 
and NOT every day 
and that's it!!! 

Difficult for me 
that I spent before hours and hours 
on the computer, crafting and painting too!!!

And Of course I have learned to rely on others 
and delegate activities...
my mom's help for stitching/crafting 
and for some other things my husband...
and if something can not be done...
well,  It can not be done!!! 
let it go!!!! 
the world will not end....

believe me, before I had to do everything!!!....
it has being a real learning time ...

Ok, now into our craft for the day...
oh yes! and with dies!!!

felt ornaments using dies

I made a  pin cushions...

felt pin cushion using dies

and some ornaments... to hang and give away...

felt ornament in blue using dies

close up...
felt ornament in blue using dies detail

  and some for valentine's too...

felt ornament in red using dies

how do you like them?

felt ornament in red using dies

For Valentine's 
I will have a special post on another felt Project... 
so come back  then...

See you soon
have a wonderful week end...
and thanks for visiting!!!



  1. Oh wow, the felt hearts are amazing!! I love the designs!! I'm glad you are getting better every day!! Have a great evening!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Sooo glad to hear, you´re getting better day by day hun, and to see these gorgeous hearts, that you´ve made here too, they´re so beautiful. I really love both the greens because they´re such awesome colors, but also the red and white as they´re our national colors and also the colors of our flag here as well as the colors of love ofcause. I actually made some hearts with the girls too some years ago, and wonder, what happened to them now LOL. But boy I love yours a lot here, sooo sweet and beautiful.
    Have a wonderful week-end ahead now and keep on looking after your self okay, and hopefully you´ll be back to tull time fun very soon then.

  3. je suis contente que tu ailles mieux de jour en jour..
    waouh! ce coeur en feutrine fait battre le mien, j'adore!!!
    bisous Bibiana!

  4. Hope things are getting a bit better for you. I do so miss your work. I know it must be killing you to not be able to do the things you love. Your felt hearts are adorable. I love felt projects and these are just too cute.

  5. Contente de savoir que tu vas mieux de jour en jour. Tes créations sont superbes, j'adore !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bises.

  6. I am glad that you take the better by the day ! We all wait to see you here every day . Good idea to make pin cushions Felt , I love it ! Hugs to you !

  7. Big learning curve for you but glad you are getting better and still able to make lovely things.

  8. tes cœurs sont magnifiques !!
    contente que tu ailles de mieux en mieux

  9. Adorables ces coeurs ! J'espère que tu vas mieux. Bravo pour ces jolies réalisations. Bises

  10. Glad it is getting better every day, I know how hard it is to ask others for help, I have a hard time with that myself. Your hearts are so sweet, pretty stitching!! Happy Valentine's day

  11. tes portes aiguilles sont bien beaux bravo

  12. Superbes ces cœurs ! Tu as raison, prends soin de toi et prends ton temps ! il faut guérir ! Bises

  13. Glad things are getting better day by day. Beautiful makes. Sending hugs across the miles xxx


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana