Wednesday, January 6, 2016

On the 12th day Of's Epiphany Day!

my true love gave to me an...

"Epiphany Card"

ephiphany 3 kings card side

On the 12th and LAST Day of Christmas
Epiphany day 
it's being celebrated in many parts of the world...

ephiphany 3 kings card front

In México, Argentina and many other latin countries 
for example today it's a big day of celebration 
and all the children receive lots and lots of toys...
in commemoration of the adoration of the magi 
that came to pay respects to the new born king by bringing him gifts!

In Spain and Puerto Rico big parades through the city are being held 
In France and Germany, it's a public holiday where you eat special "king's" baked cakes
and in Russia, in the Orthodox church Today it's Chritsmas...
  _____________ 0 ________________

as for my card: 
I used the technique called 
"PaperTole and 3D decoupage"... 

ephiphany 3 kings card front

Definition: "This is a unique and creative 14th Century French Craft using 4 or more copies of the same print, (of your choice), then cutting, shaping and layering the identical pieces to create a 3 dimensional piece of art."

I "RECYCLED" commercial Christmas cards and I used them in making "unique" 3D handmade decoupage cards!
After Christmas, it's the perfect time to go and buy boxes of cards on sale...(or use those cards that you get in the mail for free)

Note: the image has to be the same in order to cut out the pieces....and layer them to create the 3D effect...

How to:
Get a box of cards with the image of your choice. I got the Kings...
You need at least 3 cards with the same image. You can use more, to create greater depth...
- Card #1 is the base of the card. Card # 2 and 3 will be cut be used for the different layers.
- Card # 2: cut the dresses/silhouettes of the magi. Mount the silhouettes on the "base" card. This is the 1st layer.
-Card #3: cut two heads and one magi. Place these pieces on top of the 1st layer, this will be your 2nd layer...
You can continue placing layers on top of layers...
in my case I used 3 cards to make one card...3 were enough...

ephiphany 3 kings card detail 3D

On a Personal Note:
*** This card was made a year ago...
And I am very glad that I did it...because now it was the perfect time to use it on my blog!...
I have to mention as well that for this technique you need to have good cutting skills, eyes and hands in good shape.!!!

I obviously could not have done this card today in the condition that my hand, thumb and tendons are!
Tendinitis takes a long time to heal,  my right hand, it is "healing" but very slowly ...
The thumb hurts a lot and it has lost most of its' I am glad that I did it back then...This card came to my rescue for Today's post and current condition!!!...
This goes to show that you never know for what you are doing what you are doing...
but somehow everything has a reason, place and time to be!!!...

I  repeat myself this again and order to cope with "this" "temporary" disability that has "appeared in my life" now...
I do not know why and how it came to be must be a reason...that maybe I will discover down the road!
I know today that not being able to use this hand has "slowed" me down quite a bit, which is very frustrating but who knows... maybe I needed this!.....
Exercise the virtue of "Patience", let things "BE"
and learn how to use more the left hand and right hemisphere of my brain, ja ja ja!!!

This being said...

Many thanks for your company during these 12 days of Christmas
and I will see you for more crafting projects!!!

I hope you enjoy this "NEW" or "OLD" technique!
Have a wonderful king's day!

if you would like to see the meaning of the 12 days of Christmas and the song 
go to the post:

***Note: visit me at the language blogs (French and Spanish) for Memory Box only this week!
I will be featuring all the NEW winter release...
and do not forget to leave me a comment there for the chance to win a die!!!


  1. What a lovely card ! What you said about your tendinitis - this trange moment the "illness" appeared - is totally true, and even if you're frustated don't be stressed for that. It will take the time needed to heal and everything will be great after that. im' sure of it. Thank you for letting us know all the traditions of this epiphany day, it's so interesting ! I have'nt eat the "galette des rois" for the moment, but sonn will be better : it's so yummy !!! xxx, bye !

  2. Your card is very nice, congratulations for this technic and excuse me for my english ;) ! Good evening. Kisses

  3. Très belle carte, j'aime beaucoup cet effet 3D. Bises.

  4. On step you might want to include is taking a soft-lead pencil and going around the edges of each of the layers of your cut-outs so that it blends in and no white edges show. I was taught to do this technique for cards many years ago, it is be quite beautiful! Thank you for reminding me of this technique. It can also be done with cutouts from card stock, calendars, etc...Double sided foam tape will work to give some depth or 'Glue-Dots' also work beautifully to hold each layer just a little above the background. It the past, silicone glue was also used, but I gave it up due to the odors...but it can also be done. Blessings!!!

  5. Un dicton dit:" Arrive à point , qui sait attendre!"
    " It's timely, to those who wait "
    Tu vois bien qu'il faut prendre soin de soi, pour arriver à prendre soin des autres !
    On va t'attendre, soignes-toi bien !

  6. Christie thanks for the tip with the pencil on the edges...that is clever! I will remember it!

  7. You are most welcome!

    As you heal, so am I...I sprained my wrist and cannot do art at the moment either. Someday, if we are both patient, we will again. :)

  8. tres jolie ,bravo ma grande, bisous

  9. Such a wonderful card here, in this mostly forgotten technique. It was the first technique I learned after I had only been doing parchment craft for years, and I also actually learned all these new ways of cardmaking because of a healthproblem, otherwise I don´t think, I would ever got to know about diecutting and all this, but because a cataract made it impossible for me to see the tiny details in the parchment anymore, I had to try something else, and look now today is parchment actually the kind I do the elast and forced me to learn about sooo much else, which I just LOVE today, so sometimes it can be good too, that we have to rethink, what we´re doing right? But I still hope, that you´ll get much better really soon, so you can enjoy all your craftingskills again. Take good care, then I´m sure you will in no time.

  10. Superbe carte ! Belle image montée en 3D avec un fond très hivernal. En France, nous ne fêtons les rois mages qu'avec la galette. Pour les cadeaux, je sais par mes grands-parents espagnols que ce sont les rois qui les apportent. Désolée pour ta tendinite mais tu dois être patiente. Je te comprends parce que je suis handicapée par une maladie évolutive, pour le moment "inguérissable". Pour la tendinite, le repos est important et tu dois garder l'espoir. Bisous et encore bonne année. Micha

  11. Lovely work on the paper tole. I do hope you hand heals up quickly. It must be so frustrating for you. Are you reading to help pass the time?

  12. I love this technique and such a great idea with those greeting card packs that are 70% off. Pray that your hand heals quickly and that you will once again have full use of it, take care!

  13. Gorgeous Bibiana I missed a few of your days but will go back when I have a minute, Hope you are well Happy New Year......Lis

  14. tres bele carte avec un superbe effet 3D bravo

  15. A lovely card Bibiana! Popping in to wish you a Happy New Year and wishing you a continued speedy recovery with your hand, I'm sad to read you're still suffering so much but yes, only time and rest will help you heal and I hope you will be back to your stamping self very soon coz we miss you terribly over at Lost Coast Designs DT ;0) Much love & hugs! xxx Leigh S-B


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana