Monday, December 28, 2015

On the 3rd Day of Christmas ...

my true love gave to me a...

"Christmas Gift Tag"

christmas gift tag

During "The 12 days of Christmas"  
I will be posting each day a different card. 

I have published these cards at the language blogs for Memory Box.
 But  I did not had the chance to share them here in my blog due to my injury... 
since I am not crafting much lately 
I decided to post them during this special time of the 12 days of Christmas....

so you will find some from Thanksgiving and Christmas cards mixed...

christmas gift tag

if you would like to see the meaning of the 12 days of Christmas and the song 
go to the post:
"On the 1st day of Christmas" ..

Thank you for all your wonderful comments!!!
have a wonderful day!



  1. What a wonderful card. I love those tree dies.

  2. Magnifique carte Bibiana, bravo. J'espère que tes mains ne te font pas trop souffrir. Je te souhaite un très joyeux réveillon du Nouvel An. Bises.

  3. encore des jolies decoupes bien mise en valeur, bisous et soigne toi bien ,mm si tu ne publies pas on ne t'oublie pas non plus, bisous

  4. magnifique carte, j'espère que tu ne souffres pas trop!

  5. j'espère que ta lain va mieux - et bravo pour ta carte - bon réveillon bisous

  6. Bibiana, you mentioned an injury...I hope you are healing nicely now. I am so sorry you were hurt, I did not know...Prayers for your healing and health, Dear.

    I do hope your injury was not as severe and now you will be better. Blessings to you.

  7. Très jolies ces cartes Bibiana ! j'ai récemment vu un film qui parlait de cette chanson sur les douze jours de Noël ! Bises

  8. superbe, j'adore cette découpe de sapin, A+

  9. Beautiful Bibiana. I hope you have had a Very Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  10. pretty sparkle around the edges and like the layering of the trees!

  11. Cette carte est magnifique Bibiana !


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana