Saturday, December 26, 2015

On the 1st Day of Christmas...

my true love gave to me a...

"Birthday Card 
for Christmas time in Reds and Greens"

birthday card front

During "The 12 days of Christmas"  
I will be posting each day a different card. 

I have published these cards at the language blogs for Memory Box.
 But  I did not had the chance to share them here in my blog due to my injury... 
since I am not crafting much lately 
I decided to post them during this special time of the 12 days of Christmas....

so you will find some from Thanksgiving and Christmas cards mixed...

Do you know that today it is actually what it is known as the 1st day of Christmas?
it is not the 1st of December as some people may think... 
It is a festive Christian season to celebrate the nativity of Jesus starting after Christmas Day, December 26th  until January 6!

Historic note:
as for the song..."The Twelve Days of Christmas is an English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas. The song, published in England in 1780 without music as a chant or rhyme, is thought to be French in origin. According to Catholics, this song was written as a catechism song for young Catholics in the days when it was illegal to practice or to teach the faith.  It contains hidden meanings intended to help children remember lessons of faith. There appears to be no conclusive historical evidence to prove this origin. Nevertheless the traditional association between the gifts mentioned in the song and various spiritual gifts is a fun way to turn a seemingly secular Christmas carol into a valuable catechism tool."
if you want to see the meaning of each gift click HERE

"12 days" by Xavier Romero-Frias - wikimedia

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration...



  1. Hola Bibiana muy linda tu tarjeta, espero ya estes mucho mejor de tu lesion y me gusto este poste muy interesante gracias, espero hayas pasado una muy linda navidad en compañia de tus seres queridos, te dejo muchos abrazos!!!

  2. Bibiana ... so sorry to see that your hand is still giving you so much trouble... sending you healing good wishes and wishing you a very happy new Year ,
    Eileen xxx

  3. A wonderful card here as always hun, and hopefully you´ll soon be back to creating new ones again too. I´m really sorry, it´s been such a problem and then this time of year, where we all enjoy the cardmaking soo much, but hopefully you´ll be able to do even more next year then, when your hand is in a much better shape of things. For now just take good care of it and don´t overdo things, then I´m sure, you´ll be back on top in no time hun. Look after yourself and enjoy the Holiday here with your lovely family and just relax and enjoy life okay.

  4. Chère Bibiana, je suis désolée de savoir que tu es encore prise avec ce problème. Mais nous sommes toutes heureuses d'avoir de tes nouvelles et de regarder tes créations de tes autres blogs. Prends soin de toi et on t'attend impatiemment ! J'en profite pour te souhaiter une Bonne Année et de la santé ! Bisous !

  5. I'm so behind in my blog reading. This is a stunning card. The layering of the dies done the way you did is awesome. Thank you for the interesting story behind the 12 Days of Christmas.

  6. wow, I love this card
    I didn't know this story of 12 days of Xmas, thank you for sharing it!

  7. Superbe carte, bravo. Je te souhaite un prompt rétablissement. Bises.

  8. très jolie carte!
    prends bien soin de toi!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana