Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Let It snow Lavinia's challenge

Hello Dear friends:

Still having lost of problems with my hands...
everything points to tendinitis...
so for a while I will be posting sporadically 
and writing shorter posts  :(....

Here I have a snowy card for Lavinia's challenge for this month: theme "Let it snow"...
I hope you can join us and win a £40.00 to spend at Lavinia's site...

The houses were colored with my "new" Zig Clean Watercolor markers on watercolor paper...Love them,! No disappointment..

ribbon twisted

and punched icycles  with glitter...

I hope you like it....

and forgive me if I do not visit your much as I would hands need to recover...
thanks for the company and the unconditional support...


Lavinia: Zen houses
Stampin up!:  embossing folder snowflakes


  1. Sorry to hear about your hands Bibiana. I hope they feel better soon. Just love your card, such lovely colours on the white background. Have a lovely Christmas. Kx

  2. Hope you feel better soon, fabulous card, loving those bright coloured little houses, such a contrast on the White xx Zoe xx

  3. Stunning card, I do hope your hands will be better soon my friend. I have posted your Christmas card today hope it doesn't take long to get to you xx

  4. This is so gorgeous!! I love those houses!! The colors look amazing!! The entire snowy scene is fabulous!! What a beautiful card!! I hope your hands are much better soon. Hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Lovely card and love how you colored the houses, very pretty. Hope you have a quick healing with your tendinitis.

  6. I am so sorry about your hands! Yes, please do let them heal, they are most important.

    I have had similar issues, ended up needing to wear braces in my sleep so that I did not curl was difficult to get used to but it was a great help to me. I hope they find something that helps you, but it will still take time to heal, so be patient. Soaking them in alternating hot and cold baths might also help heal, I don't know but you could ask your doctor...Blessings to you Bibiana! Thank you.

  7. Magnifique! J'aime beaucoup le fond avec les flocons et les touches de brillant.

  8. Love the little houses Very nice card.......Lis

  9. Love your card - colors pop on those cute Zen houses! Take care and don't push it with tendonitis (don't ask lol). Blessings to you my dear.

  10. Une petite merveille ta carte, j'adore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bises.

  11. j'adore le fond est magnifique et ce contraste ,il fallait oser... en tout cas je suis sous le charme
    tu as raison faut laisser reposer, tu reviendra apres si tu le souhaites ,gros bisous tout plein,
    pour la tendinite essaye du froid, plaque de glace ou il y a la douleur 3fois /jour, j'ai eu aussi l'an dernier, le soucis c'est que ça revient, bonne chance j'adore ses tampons ,tres peu en france et tres cher...

  12. What die cut did you use to put the houses into? I love this card. Thanks

  13. Prends le temps qu'il faut pour te soigner ! Il y a tant à voir sur tes blogs que ça va nous prendre du temps pour faire le tour ! J'aime tellement cette carte, les maisonnettes sont magnifiques en plus !

  14. ta carte est très belle !!
    trop mimi les maisons
    prend soin de toi

  15. Très jolie carte Bibiana ! Belle colorisation ! Soigne-toi bien ! J'ai eu une tendinite à l'épaule au début de l'année, je sais que ça fait souffrir mais les mains cela doit être terrible car on s'en sert tout le temps ! Repose-toi bien. bisous

  16. Beautiful card here again again Bibiana, it´s really awesome.
    Please no need to excuse for anything, we all know only too well, how busy life is and with not even 2 hands a person can only do as much as it can, so please just look after yourself and make sure that hand is getting bbetter and look after yourself okay. I hope, you´ll still be able to enjoy all the preparations here for christmas without too many problems. Take good care of YOU first and foremost, and then the rest will be just fine.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your hands. I hope you're not in too much pain. My daughter, who just turned 30, had to stop knitting because she had so much pain.

    Onto your card. It is just the cutest. Love the bright colours to go with this white. I really love those houses which reminds me of the movie The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

  18. Hi Bibiana, I'm sorry you have still problems: hope you will get well soon.
    your card is very nice, love the colours of the houses

  19. J'aime beaucoup cette carte hivernale ! Jolie cette "imitation neige" et de toute beauté les petites maisons biscornues. Prends soin de tes mimines. Bisous

  20. I love the white textured background, these houses are beautiful! :) !!!!!

  21. So sorry to hear your hands are still giving you problems.
    The card is so sweet, love those colors!

  22. superbe bien belle ta cartes -bisettes

  23. Dear Bibiana.. I'm so sorry to read about your problems with your hands. How awful for you, such a talented crafter, to get something like that and I hope you are not in too much pain. I'm sending my good wishes and huge thanks for your support for Lavinia stamps.I hope your hands get better soon. Have a great Christmas and a super New Year to you and all your family.
    Love , hugs, Eileen xxx

  24. Bless you .... Hope things will soon be back to normal...... Loving all your gorgeous Samples...... lots of love Marianne xxx

  25. Such beautiful work Bibiana, I love the splash of colour the houses give against the clean beautiful background, stunning! Wishing you well, Julie.x

  26. Désolée d'apprendre tes soucis avec tes mains. (Moi c'est des problèmes de vertèbres et de cou). J'espère que ça va aller mieux très vite. En tout cas ta carte est superbe !

  27. What an amazingly beautiful card.....the gorgeous colours stand out from the white background perfectly and look wonderful. Hope you get some good news soon re-your hands, look after your main assets ;-) Merry Christmas xx

  28. Hola Bibiana siento mucho el problema con tus manos espero te recuperes pronto, me encantan tus trabajos.
    Que tengas una linda navidad en compañia de tu familia!!!

  29. Que tarjeta tan bonita.. me encanta :)

  30. Bibiana, I do hope it is going better with your hands. I have not been around much due to various things, but just want to wish you a Blessed Christmas and hope 2016 will be good year. Hugs, Ursula.

  31. Hi Biiana, love those cute little houses. They make a lovely pop of colour against the snowy banks. Great depth to this almost WoW card. Hugz

  32. I don't know why I didn't comment before - love the bright colours with the white - cute designs too

    1. Sorry to read about your hands too. Suffering with shoulder and arm so can empathise


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana