Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paint chips and Lavinia's challenge-Flowers

Hello Dear Lavinia Fans:

This month's theme at Lavinia's challenge is Flowers...

I am remodeling some of the baths at my house and I had some left over paint chips...
so I got inspired to use them and here it is my participation for your inspiration for this month challenge...


with 3 stripes of purple paint chips taken from my local hardware store...

I embossed the "Lavinia" flowers in white and in gold...

the second card...
Monochromatic in teals

uses a border punch in a diagonal line...

and the shadow sponged technique on the flowers:
- 1st emboss in white the poppies,
- then off set a second time your stamp using this time teal ink
- sponge around the edges with some ink ...
- wipe the emboss area with a wet paper towel to remove the ink from the embossed area..

love the color effect of the paint chips..very effective way to make some cool backgrounds and recycle some paper!

Hope to see you enter your project at "Lavinia's challenge blog" and get the chance to win some cash to spend at their website!

good luck...



  1. They are both so gorgeous!! I love the colors and designs of each one!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Love when things get recycled and your cards are lovely......Lis

  3. encore une bien belle carte bravo bisettes

  4. Lovely cards - really like the teal one!

  5. 2 magnifiques cartes, coup de coeur pour la 2ème. Bises.

  6. superbes cartes, coup de cœur pour la monochrome, A+

  7. Très belles cartes! Bises

  8. deux superbes cartes avec un penchant pour la premiere bravo

  9. magnifiques ces cartes!

  10. elles sont superbes tes cartes !!

  11. Love, love your work, you never disappoint .. always so beautiful .
    Eileen xx

  12. Ha ha ha this card just made me laugh really hard and remember back to our trip to the US here. I made some of this kind of cards some years ago, but now a days we can´t find these chips here anymore, so when we were visiting a friend overthere we went to Wallmarts and saw these, and I grabbed a few, and when we got back to her house, she asked, what I wanted these for, as we probably couldn´t get this paint here at home, so I told her, and the next day before we left, she came and gave me a bag half filled with all the colors they had there andf there was a lot, so I was almost all embarrassed, but ofcause I packed them in the suitcase, as we can´t get them here. But it was nothing comparred to when I was checked in the custom and they kept looking and turning these chips around, and kept asking, what I would need all these for ha ha ha. But I ended getting them all back and now have enough to make several cards here ha ha ha. But the look at those peoples faces, when I told them, these were to use for cardmaking was priceless, and I´m very sure they thought I had either lost everything or really weird ha ha ha.
    But thanks soo much for more great inspiration for these and your cards are very very beautiful as always hun. Have a wonderful day.

  13. Two lovely cards both so different but equally beautiful


  14. These are both very beautiful cards Bibiana, gorgeous colours, hugs Carole Z X

  15. Gorgeous cards. Such a good idea to use paint chips.

  16. Gorgeous cards. Such a good idea to use paint chips.

  17. Both are just gorgeous, I love the gold with that purple and your shadow stamping on the second is just perfect!

  18. Hi Bibiana, 2 gorgeous cards as usual, both are very unique, love the Shadow stamping on the second one in particular, xx Zoe xx

  19. Lovely creations - I have used paint chips for die cutting - your cards are beautiful

  20. Deux cartes splendides ! Je n'arrive pas à choisir ! J'aime les deux ! Bises

  21. Beautiful cards Bibiana, especially love the first one. Kx

  22. How super creative. I love what you did with the paint chips.

  23. elles sont tres belles ,mais une grosse preference pour la seconde, pour moi il n'y a pas que la chaleur qui m'empeche de scrapper, j'espere que ça reviendra vite pour que je teste les jolis tampons, gros bisous

  24. Très jolies, j' oublie trop souvent de me servir de mes choses ! C'est très bien fait et moi aussi la deuxième est ma préférée !

  25. Both cards are beautifully done!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana