Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Winners Throwback Thursday #9

Thank you for participating 
to my "Throwback Thursday"  #TBT  
challenge #9

calligraphy sign winner TBT challenge

#8  Ceci Medina with "Imaginación al Máximo"
along with the "TBT Winner Badge"
with her beautiful OLD post see below... 

Here it is her prize! 
Absolutely a great nostalgic post
Thanks Ceci and all of you for participating!

Please e-mail me at the address on the side bar  
to claim your prize and "Throwback Thursday TBT badge"!

Tomorrow is our
 "Throwback Thursday" TBT Challenge #10
 Thursday, June 11th 2015

Hope to see many more friends joining us....

Check the Rules and Info Page

on 3 languages
English, Français, Español

to be eligible for the prizes!

remember it is all about an OLD post

See you tomorrow for our challenge #10


  1. Just popping in to say hello, Bibiana! Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Congratulations to your winner! Well deserved!

  2. Bravo à l'heureuse gagnante. Bises.

  3. Bravo Ceci Medina, j'aime beaucoup ta carte en plus !

  4. Congrats to Ceci Medina - happy dance! Enjoy your prize!

  5. Gracias chicas, apenas me entero, Bibiana mil gracias ya me pongo en contacto

  6. bravo à la gagnante!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana