Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cards from my blogger Friends!

Thank You!

I got these "surprise" cards on the mail...

My dear Friend LIS  (Fla, USA) had the extraordinary idea to make these beautiful "tip holders" to give away to your hairdresser , pet groomer etc...for anyone that I want to give a Tip...and she send me this beautiful assortment. They all are made with a handmade paper and embellished with flowers!
I certainly will be using them!, Thanks a lot my dear Lis.
This is a wonderful idea!

Her blog is "Paper Maker", hopefully you will pay her a visit and see what she does!

tip holders made by lis

The second card is from my friend Maryline (France)
Her NEW blog written in French, (but that you can translate with Google Translate) is "Maryscrap"
I hope you can pay her as well a visit!

Besides posting her handmade cards, Maryline posts photographs from her daily life following a theme...That is how I found her actually!
One day, browsing around I saw her photos and I thought that was an original concept for a blog!
Go and take a look! "Maryscrap"

card by maryline

Thank you my friends!
Merci mes amies!
You made my day!


  1. Oh Bibiana they look so pretty there I am glad yu will use them .......Lis

  2. Merci à toi aussi pour toutes ces gentillesses, cela me touche également. Si je t'ai fait plaisir, sache que j'ai, moi aussi, pris beaucoup de plaisir à réaliser cette carte en pensant à toi. A très bientôt. Bisous de France.

  3. Bravo aux filles pour leurs superbe cartes. Bises.

  4. Les Secrets de ChloéMay 27, 2015 at 11:44 AM

    Superbes réalisations, bravo à toutes!!!
    Belle soirée bisous

  5. tres jolies ces cartes, je profite de ton message pour te dire que ce midi j'ai reçu la pochette de tampon, je ferai un message sur mon blog pour remerrcier la marque et essayerai de faire une petite carte avec aussi, bisous et merci tout plein

  6. What gorgeous cards you've received!! They are all beautiful!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Oh sooo beautiful cards all of them. Lis´tipholders are sooo sweet and such a great idea, I certainly agree to that, and Marylines card is sooo beautiful too. Wonderful work ladies, and you sooo deserve them Bibiana, so please enjoy, and sooo glads to hear, it made you a great day hun.

  8. voila de bien belles cartes , bravo mesdames

  9. De bien jolies cartes ! bravo aux créatrices ! Bises

  10. De bien belles créations, bravo mes dames !

  11. de bien belles cartes bravo aux filles A+ bisous et merci pour ta dodue


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana