Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rubber Stamp Convention: A Stamp in The Hand and Lost Coast Designs

Hello Dear Stamper Friends:
Yesterday I attended a Rubber Stamp Convention held in my area ...
This badge was given to the vendors and exhibitors
and I got one for being part of the Design Team (DT) of Lost Coast Designs (LCD)...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Here are some pics...for you to enjoy...

Linda from Lost Coast Designs at her booth...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

and here are the LCD fantastic stamps and some pics of my cards displayed on her sample boards...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

as you may have heard me say several times here in my blog, LCD stamps can only be bought through this type of conventions, or through their online website store...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Linda travels quite a lot around the country and the world, as a matter of fact twice a check her schedule for next year's conventions...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

This section of the booth, (photo below) had all the collection of  Carmen Verandas's stamps, just recently acquired by LCD stamps..

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

more sample boards with all the Cards made by the DT (myself included)

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

more stamps...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

my impressions of the show...

I sadly have to say that is show was quite small, few vendors came and few people too!!! every year it gets smaller and smaller...this is too sad...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

few make and takes...
this one was offered at one of the booths and it was to alter a domino

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

I discovered though through Tessler crafts booth, some NEW die companies...
Ellentina cuttingdies

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

and Tattered Lace...
Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

 Tessler booth sells lots of other craft die companies, inks, papers, stencils etc...

I always enjoy checking Hanko Designs...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

they have an Asian flair, with "Washi" papers and several card sample boards with "Washi" paper quilting cards...
and fun paper clips in the shape of animals...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

at JudiKins booth, you can  always find  a crowd...She always demonstrates very cool techniques and the results are awesome...

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

I will be sharing these in the next coming days here in my blog...stay tuned for these

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

her products are always such a good quality, I always buy something there!

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Impresion Obession IO booth had gorgeous dies and stamps...

these are their stamp backgrounds with some sample boards

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Rubbernecker booth

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

This is the line of the stamp of Stamp in  the hand, the organizers of this show...stamps found only through these stamp shows...:(
recognize the pear from the badge, top photo?

Rubber stamp convention newark ca 2014

Overall it is fun to go, chat with people, see old friends, review old techniques, discovered some new products and get all the creative juices in place to continue creating...
and I have to say that thanks to my blog I met new friends at the show that came by and approach to me...
ok see you soon and keep in touch!

I have many more pics at my Instagram, 
if you want to check them out!

Thanks for the visit and see you soon with more craft related projects or news...


  1. looks like so much fun, thanks for the preview, love seeing the photos!! :)

  2. Hi Bibiana, thank you for sharing your photos, such a shame less vendors and visitors , that`s when they do not do these show`s in these particular area`s, we all have to support them.
    Hugs pam.

  3. WOW! that is quite the post I feel like I just went to Stampfest BTW the badge is really attractive,......Lis

  4. Great to hear you had a good time there, and there´s definitely some great things there too. But what a shame to hear, that there comes less vendors and visitors every year, and unfortunately it´s the same everywhere, I´m afraid, as we can see the same here, and even we only have very few arrangements here every year, it´s the same trend, it gets smaller each year and this year ir was a real disappointment for the only one in our area, so not even sure, I´ll bother to go next year, but it is really sad, as it used to give sooo much new inspiration and enegergy to go there and see all the new comming out, but this year there was not even one new thing to see there. Let´s hope, that it´s going to turn soon, as it seems the times begin to look better again for many.
    The badge were really cool, and looks beautiful and thanks soo much for sharing all the pics here.

    1. thank you my friend for your input always so deep and well detailed , nice to see what are your thought too and what is going on on your area too!

  5. Oooh lots of crafty loveliness there, looks like you had fun.
    Hugs Erika. x

  6. I really liked the convention report, TFS!

  7. Lucky! You are to see all it! Thanks for many photos!
    Chanceuse! Tu en as vu de belles choses! Merci pour les photos!

  8. Hi Bibiana, thanks for sharing the stamp show photos with us. Some of these companies are old friends, that I get to see on the East coast. Some are new to me. We're seeing the same dwindling of vendors at the stamp conventions here in this area as well. Too sad, but I expect it's more economical for them to do 'online' rather than travel to shows, pay for a booth and not be certain to recover their expenses. I'm glad you had good fun, and look forward to seeing some of your finds in upcoming posts. Take care. TFS & Hugs

    1. you are right...the boots here in the USA are very expensive but I have heard that the booths in Europe are even more expensive and over there I think the big shows are really big !!! with big crowds but in big cities...I believe!
      thanks for your input too

  9. Merci pour le partage Bibiana!
    C'est vrai que c'est triste si il n'y avait presque personne!

  10. merci pour cette petite promenade parmi vos rayons et cool tes cartes comme toujours magiques A+ bises

  11. Merci pour le partage, c'est vraiment dommage qu'il y ait eu peu de monde pourtant cela devait être très sympa. Bises.

  12. comme j'aurai aimé y être! c'est autre chose que le petit salon qu'on a près de chez moi...merci pour toutes ces photos qui font rêver,A+

    1. merci atoutes pour vos petits com...j'aimerai tellement aussi y aller dans un show en europe il parait qu'ils sont plus grands?


  13. This looks amazing Bibiana, so sad its getting smaller with less people, we should be embracing these fairs etc as not many about, looked like a great assortment there.

    will look forward to seeing what you are going to create with your buys.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  14. It looks like you had a lot of fun, Bibliana! Thank you so much for sharing all the photos - they don't hold anything like this around here - I wish they did! I enjoyed looking at all the photos - thank you!

  15. Hi Bibiana,
    It was so nice to talk with you at the show on Saturday. You are as nice in person as you are on your blog. There are certainly not many vendors at this fall show but I had no problem spending WAY to much money. As long as they keep having the shows I will attend if only to see samples and keep in touch with other stampers.

    1. HEY teresa: it was so nice to meet you at the show and chat a tiny bit! I am glad that you decided to leave a message here...I will see you around!!!

  16. voila un salon fort sympathique , j aime ce genre d endroit ou il regne une envie de partage

  17. Un très beau salon, dommage qu'il y ait peu de monde ! Il y a de très belles choses ! Bises

  18. so neat to see what was at the show, it is so sad that they are getting smaller, thanks for sharing

  19. ça à l'air super sympa! bises

  20. Woww cuanta cosa tan hermosa, como me hubiera gustado ir a un lugar de esos cuando yo podia viajar a USA dure 10 años viajando y no sabia lo q era el scrap aun haciendolo yo :( espero algun día se me haga ir !!! Gracias Bibiana por compartir!!!

  21. Great selection of photos to give an over view of the show Bibiana. Here in the UK businesses are cutting back on the number of shows they attend too. Sadly a sign of the times. I know how expensive the stand areas are to hire. I will be having a look at the ranges of a couple of new suppliers you have showcased though.....Barbara x

  22. Thank you so much for posting the pics. Really enjoyed seeing the nice products. I have been to a couple of shows, and enjoyed them so much. But I also noticed that they are getting smaller with fewer vendors. It the sign of the "tight" times, everyone is feeling the pinch of less to spend.

  23. Love the show at Ally Pally in the UK but haven't been recently as it is hard to see the demos, can get really crowded and I don't have the spare cash that one of the shows needs!!!

  24. Lucky you, looks like lots of fun! It is great to see the products up close, instead of only through a photo!
    Hugs, Antonella :-)

  25. Hello Bibiana thanks for this link...Yes Linda is the one that visits the Art Specially Event in the Netherands, for many years already!
    Great blogpost....
    Kind regards, Alie


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana