Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Winners, Winners TBT Challenge #1!!

Thank you for all the wonderful friends who join me 
in my TBT 1st challenge ever!!!

I was thrilled to see people as far as Venezuela,  participating!
We had a mix of countries and styles represented, how exciting! 
from the UK, Canada, Mexico, France and the USA
Really thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Ok, let's go to what everybody is waiting ...
The WINNERS and the PRIZES!!!!

for Challenge  #1
 "Throwback Thursday TBT",
 I decided to have 3 winners!!!!

 of a DIE "Small Poinsettia"  from "Memory Box" 
and the "TBT Winner Badge" is:

#4 Karen Mcalpine with "Dreaming and Creating"

the 2nd winner 
of a STENCIL "splatters"  from "Tim Holtz" 
and the "TBT Winner Badge" is:
#10 Jim with "Love the Details"

the 3rd winner 
of STICKERS "Christmas Cardinals"  from "Hot off the Press" 
and the "TBT Winner Badge" is:
#1 Jenny with "Cardarus"

And here are the top 3...
who will receive the "TBT I made the TOP 3" badge ...

and I would like to give 
the "TBT Honorable Mention" badge to 
 Nat with "Simply sweet Stamping"
for her wonderful tutorial
make sure to visit her blog to learn her technique! 

Absolutely great nostalgic posts!

Please e-mail me at the address on the side bar to claim your prize and "Throwback Thursday TBT badges"!

Thank you so much for participating, visiting and commenting!

We have a date for tomorrow, 
Thursday Oct. 9th to discover another nostalgic post!
with TBT challenge #2

Hope to see many more friends joining us 
and the winner will be announced 
the Wednesday before the new challenge starts...


  1. WOW! so many beautiful creations, well done to all

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Bravo aux gagnantes et à toutes les participantes pour leurs magnifiques créations et merci à toi Bibiana pour l'organisation de ce petit jeu, ce fut un plaisir d'y participer. Bises.

  3. Félicitations aux gagnantes et au gagnant!
    Bravo à toutes pour leurs participations!

  4. These are all gorgeous creations! Congrats to all winners!! :)

  5. waouh que de belles créa bravo les filles
    bon y a quinze jours je l ai raté ( un petit coup de mou) mais promis demain je cherche un article

  6. Wow! Congratulations to the winners and top picks! Lovely work, ladies! I look forward to your next challenge - I am new here - and I hope I have something that fits so I can play along. Wishing you a joyful day!

  7. Thank you so much, Bibiana!! I just love those Memory Box dies!! Congrats to all the winners!!

  8. Hi Bibiana,
    I am so thrilled to have been one of your winners.
    It must be my lucky couple of weeks as I have shared winning on 2 new challeges for me, and been chosen as a top 3 in another one.
    Congrats to all the others chosen, and good luck to everyone for the next one starting tomorrow.
    Thank you also for all your hard work involved in this challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  9. All beautiful cards Congradulation winners , enjoy...........Lis

  10. Bravo à tous les gagnants ! J'ai raté celui-là mais promis je serais là pour le deuxième ! Bises

  11. WAUW soo many great projects here. Big congrats to the winners here you all did a fabulous work on each project. It was a pleasure to see.

  12. Felicidadeeeesss ¡¡¡unos proyectos muy hermosos nos hacen expresar un Woowww¡¡¡,..abrazos y seguiremos recordando viejos post,..desde Venezuela saludos y abrazos

  13. bravo à toutes les gagnantes et à toutes les participantes pour ces belles réas! bises


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana