Thursday, September 18, 2014

Throwback Thursday....on my Blog! and a Link up Party!

Hello Dear Stamper Friends;

Do you Know what is Throwback Thursdays or #tbt?

well ...
It is a social media trend done specially on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr..
Essentially it is  to bring back a memory, share an old photograph via these social networks on Thursdays...but most notably on Instagram (which is the photo sharing app done with your cell phone).

The term has being around since the early 2003- 2006 but it was until 2011 when "Instagram" introduced the hashtags, posting old photos of oneself on thursdays with the hashtgag #throwbackthursday or #tbt that this trend became so popular.

In 2012, the term "Throwback Thursday" was 1st defined on the urban dictionary as :
[when you put a picture from a "while" ago on your social media sites....]

Initially the theme was to share old photos of oneself but nowadays, the "#throwbackthursday" theme can pertain to basically anything that happened on the past.
Not only people are participating in this unique trend, but also companies!
Well known brands such as "BMW, Land Rover, People Magazine, Pepsi, Southwest Airlines, Wendy's" etc...just to name a few, are sharing on their social media old photos of their "vintage" makes, brands, events...on Thursdays!
And Experts say that this trend became so popular because People love the feeling of nostalgia!

All this being said...
I decided to make my "own"...

Welcome to my very 1st 
#Throwback Thursday
 right here on my blog!

Do you remember this post?

Memory Box trio of Card class

I posted this photo on august 2012,  "Dies to Die for ...class!"
I only got 2 comments that day,  and I wonder how many of you now knew of my blog, back then?
I bet not many....

Can you see the changes that I made in my photo shooting?
I used  my photo tent, now I use another setting by a window with day light...I think it looks different, but I kept the same arrangement on the back :) Ah memories, sweet memories....

Ok my friends, I hope you liked this post 
and if you liked this idea...

I invite YOU to participate in an
"Throwback Thursdays" with me 
right here on my blog...
From next week 
you can participate with me in this Party
every other thursday... 

How this will work?
1- "link-up" your "Throwback Thursday post" 
created by you 
with the "Inlinkz" button provided 
that Thursday below my post...
(please link to your post directly and not your home page)
2- Mentioned (with a link or with my badge) on your post 
that you are playing along with me!
3- feel free to grab this button ...

tbt grab button
pin it;

(copy and paste the code from my sidebar on your blog)

What theme?
actually the theme will be very often "anything goes", 
(unless if noted otherwise)
it just need to be something that you have posted on your blog 
 preferably, a craft related project, 
since this is what our blogs are about!

What will we (ALL) get?
 happiness, connections and exposure!

You will be participating
just for the pleasure of playing along,
bringing back "past" achievements
reviving "forgotten" posts from your blog
fulfilling the pleasure to share again and again with others 
and joining this new trend (but with your blogs)!

On top of this...
you will get more traffic to your blogs
with practically NO EXTRA work!
(since these are your "old posts" brought back by you!)
and ...
you will get exposure here in my blog as well! 
and ...
if you try to visit 
and comment at least on 3 NEW blogs
from the "link-up tool"...
I am sure every body will try to return the favor! 
this way you will be increasing your friends every Thursday...
pretty easy! 

How long will this last? 
The party is open all day long on Thursday 
from 12:00 am (PST) til Friday 1:00 am (PST)

You can participate as many Thursdays as you like
hopefully every other Thursday...

as for me... 
I do not have a time frame as how long I will be doing it
I will do it, I guess,  until this phase will fade! :)...

for now, the plan is to do it every other Thursday, 
(2 Thursdays on a month)...
until I can and I want!

How that sounds?
to me it is a pretty appealing idea! 
hopefully for you it is too! 

 I would love to see you next week sharing as well your own "Throwback Thursday" at your blog!
and participating to this biweekly party!...

Either way, ...
I will see you next Thursday for another Nostalgic post!!!

Remember to grab the badge!

tbt grab button


  1. A splendid idea Bibiana. I will participate next week as this week has been very busy. I have not even had much time to post comments. Yours is one of the few.


  2. Sounds like fun to me too. I hope to find time next Thursday to do this...great idea!

  3. OMG your work just blows my mind Beautiful ....................Lis

  4. Such a great idea, but not sure anybody would be interested in mine, as all my older entries are long gone. My old blog were on a forum that was suddenly closed over night so 8½ years of blogposts were just gone, and my current blog is only 1 year old and I have even not been very active this last year, so not too much nostalgia in my oldest blogposts I´m afraid, as they´re not very old LOL. But I agree to all you´ve said here, and I wish you all the best of luck with this, and I´ll defnitely come back to watch every thursday, that´s for sure.

  5. C'est sympathique de retrouver certaines images du passé ! De bons souvenirs ! Bises

  6. Quelle bonne idée Bibiana ! J'adorerais voir et revoir de tes créations ! Je vais participer, c'est certain. Même si mon blog n'a que 2 ans. Une suggestion pour nos visiteurs, peut-être installer le "Translate ou Traducteur" et tous nos amis pourront lire les publications de chacune. Bises ma chère amie de Capucine!

  7. bonjour Bibiana, merci de m'avoir avertit de ton nouveau challenge blog, je l'ai ajouté a la liste , tes créations sont superbes et tellement élégante, biz

  8. Fabulous idea, Bibiana! Sounds like fun and I will be stopping by to play along with displaying your blinkie in my blog!

  9. hi Bibana, I would be interested in playing along but cant find the link up button. I must be missing something.....

  10. thank you for this challenge, it's a good idea to to "recycle" our old creations



Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana