Monday, August 4, 2014

CAS Revisited Prim Poppy Die

Hello My Crafty and Stamper friends:

With this CAS,  I am revisiting one of my favorite dies (well almost...with so many to choose from!!)  "The Prim Poppy" ...die

CAS prim poppy fall card
pin it:

The first post that I contributed, 2 years ago!!! to Memory Box as a design team member was with this "Prim Poppy" die ...
so I decided to dust it off , bring it back and made something new with it ...using for the background, one of the new released stencils...

I added extra  petals on the flowers and doodle some pistils to add dimension and interest  to my flowers..

detail prim poppy and stencil

For The background,  I used "Inka gold" paste, which I love to use with my stencils...see the shine?

I love this stuff...because it works in all surfaces, actually is made to use in decorative items, but I like to use it on paper

side prim poppy and stencil background

This is the card that I did for my 1st post as a DTM for Memory Box ...!!!
using the same Die the "Prim Poppy"

CAS prim poppy in silver mirror paper

Today is it is time for the "Creative Blog Hop" to continue...
Do you remember my post on my Creative Blog hop? from last Monday? 

well today is the turn for my 3 blogger friends to post and answer their questions.
So do not forget to go and visit: Darnell, Beth and Vicky to see how they answered their questions and see who they invite in for the hop!!!

and let me know in the comment section,
if you ever have used "Inka gold" in your cards, 
and what products you revisit often

Thanks for the visit...

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  1. Love the way you added extra petals to make the flowers dimensional- love the idea
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

  2. Hi Bibiana,

    Beautiful card, love the Poppy die.

    I have to say I don't think I visit things often, in fact I know I still have things I have not even used yet, shameful I know but I don't get enough time to craft even now whilst I am school hols I have not had much time as I have so much other stuff to do! One day...!!!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Hi Bibiana... first, love your beautiful name! Darnell has sent me, and I'm so glad she did. I am a huge fan of all things Memory Box. The Poppy die you've used here is one of my favorites.
    =] Michele F.

    1. michele, thanks for stopping by, great a new visitor!!!
      and thanks always to my "regular" visitors for the lovely comments!!!

  4. Love your flower, dont have this one but that may change. I have Inka Gold and have used it over an embossed image of clockworks and also on gears, love the look also.

  5. Wow Bibiana - what a stunning card!! I adore MB dies and this is one of my favourites too.

    I came from Darnell's but you already visited me too as I'm following Darnell in the blog hop! You ladies are a hard act to follow!

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. inka gold on gears what a clever idea Eileen!
    hey Di, welcome to my blog!!!

  7. both cards are pretty,but the second is so elegant and lovely!

  8. sublime fleur j adore ta carte en noir et blanc trop beau
    gros bizou
    ps tu as gagner sur mon blog
    a bientot gros bizou

  9. magnifiques tes cartes bibiana j ai une preference pour la noir et blanc

  10. deux bien belles cartes - mais petite préférence pour la deuxième A+ bisous

  11. wonderful creation Bibiana, one of my Favourites too, think this was also my first M/B card design.. love both cards..
    hugs pam

  12. Gorgeous cards, love your blog to, so glad I found you on Darnells blog. ~Diane

  13. Two lovely cards using this die

  14. Your cards are simply gorgeous - they could not be more beautiful! !
    Sandy xx

  15. love this die, beautifully created and very elegant too. lovin this!! :)

  16. magnifiques cartes Bibiana!!

  17. I love the poppy die... you sent the 1st card to me!! Love it!!! Hope you're fine, xxx

  18. deux très belles cartes! le dies est une de mes préférés à moi aussi ,c'est une plante que j'affectionne , l'originalité de la 2éme sur cette pate (que je ne connais pas) c'est surprenant et de la" haute classe" bravo bisous

  19. Thank you for stopping by my blog . Your card is so pretty .............Lis MFP

  20. Gorgeous cards that die is beautiful :)

    Vic x

  21. Deux superbes cartes Bibiana ! J'adore moi aussi ce die car j'aime beaucoup les coquelicots ! On peut faire beaucoup de choses avec même si je ne l'ai pas encore beaucoup utilisé ! bises

  22. Some gorgeous cards here again Bibiana, I always sooo enjoy to see, what ypou´re doing next, and I´m never once been disappointed, so gorgeous work, and I agree with others here, you´re a hard contributor to follow LOL.
    I hope it´s okay with you, if I borrow some of your pics from CHA for an article in our Scandinavian webmagazine?

    1. yes sure!, can't wait to see that publication share it with us!!!

  23. Again some beautiful work from you! I love both your cards! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  24. Your card is so pretty.
    Yes I have used inka gold.
    I think the product I revisit most often
    are my flower stamps.

  25. Found my way here from Darnell!! Your work is absolutely beautiful Bibiana!!

  26. Beautiful cards, gorgeous die. Never used inka gold not sure if you can get it in the UK xx

  27. Beautiful, the paste makes a great background, love the colors of the flowers and how you combined them, great accenting too, your first card was terrific too!

  28. this looks so classy and absolutely beautiful! You are so creative!
    I have the dies and I must try the poppies! Thanks for your inspiration!
    Inka gold I have never used.
    greetings Regina

  29. Oh, I love this die cut and your cards! Great choice of colors. You are so inspiring!

  30. Magnifiques cartes! J'adore le Die fleurs! Bises


Thanks so much for visiting my blog!...AND Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post today...It keeps me motivated!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to answer them.
THANKS again, Bibiana